2013 Code4Lib Midwest Conference

Revision as of 14:42, 15 July 2011 by Kenirwin (Talk | contribs) (moved last year's to its own page)

Revision as of 14:42, 15 July 2011 by Kenirwin (Talk | contribs) (moved last year's to its own page)

Code4Lib Midwest 2011 Meeting


List your name, email address, and affiliation here to register for the meeting:

  • Eric Lease Morgan ( emorgan at nd.edu) - University of Notre Dame
  • Lauren Reno (renol at newberry.org ) - Newberry Library
  • Rick Johnson (rick dot johnson at nd dot edu) - University of Notre Dame
  • Peter Schlumpf (pschlumpf at gmail.com) - Avanti Library Systems
  • Margaret Kipp (kipp at uwm.edu) - University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
  • Ken Irwin - Wittenberg University (Ohio)
  • Abigail Goben (agoben@uic.edu)--University of Illinois, Chicago
  • Francis Kayiwa (kayiwa AT My Institution next ) - University of Illinois, Chicago
  • Margaret Heller (mheller@dom.edu) - Dominican University, River Forest
  • Bob Sandusky (sandusky at uic) - University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Ranti Junus (ranti.junus at gmail.com) - Michigan State University
  • Ling Wang (lwang@uic.edu) - University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Valerie Harris (val66 at UIC email) - University of Illinois at Chicago Library
  • Linda Ballinger (linda dot ballinger at gmail) - Newberry Library
  • Michael North (m-north@northwestern.edu) - Northwestern University
  • Rajesh Balekai (rbalekai@nd.edu) - University of Notre Dame
  • Max Anderson (max@uic.edu) - University of Illinois at Chicago
  • Jonathan Shank (j-shank@neiu.edu) - Northeastern Illinois University
  • Matthew Reidsma (reidsmam@gvsu.edu) - Grand Valley State University (Michigan)


  • July 28-29, 2011

Both days will be held at the University of Illinois-Chicago We will be at the Daley Library.

Call for Presenters

Share what you are working on! We are looking for 20 minute talks, lightning talks, hour long talks, and a lengthier (90 minute) workshop style talk.

Please list your proposed topic below:

  • Name, Title, Topic
  • Eric Lease Morgan (Digital Projects Librarian, University of Notre Dame) and "Text Mining in 'Discovery Systems'" - This short presentation will describe what text mining is, and then it will demonstrate how text mining can be integrated into library "discovery systems". The goal of the presentation is to increase the awareness of digital humanities computing techniques and to encourage the library profession to embrace them as a way of making collections more useful.
  • Peter Schlumpf (Avanti Library Systems) and "Avanti Nova: A Semantic Mapping System" - This presentation will introduce and demonstrate the latest work on Avanti Nova, a semantic mapping software. Nova provides a new and useful way of doing some things. The basic concepts, principles and how it works will be explained, and there will be a demonstration of the software implementing a library catalogue.
  • Margaret Kipp (Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee) and "Teaching Linked Data and the Semantic Web to MLIS Students" - This short presentation will report on the scope, coverage and results of teaching a course on linked data in libraries to a group of MLIS students which encouraged them to explore aspects of information organisation through experimenting with library and non-library metadata, semantic web and web 2.0 tools for creating library mashups. One of the goals of the presentation is to start a conversation about what libraries are doing with linked data and the semantic web and how we can incorporate this knowledge into MLIS courses.
  • Matthew Reidsma (Web Services Librarian, Grand Valley State University) - "Using jQuery to style hosted library services." Every library struggles to provide some sort of unified experience for its users, despite using hosted solutions for many of its resources. Getting these varied sites designed by countless different vendors to look like part of your library's site can be a challenge. I've found great success in combating the lackluster HTML and CSS of library vendors by using jQuery to make the page I want, rather than the page I have. I'll show some examples of projects I've completed as well as the Open Source projects they have spawned (360Link Reset, hasMedia?).
  • Rich Wolf (UIC ACCC) - REST Easy: From Web Service to iOS App In this talk, we'll look at how a RESTful service can be turned into a native iOS app by creating a real live sample application, step by step. Along the way, we'll explore Xcode, Apple's IDE for developing iOS apps, Objective-C, and Interface Builder. We'll also look at open source tools, such as Two Toasters RESTKit, that make consuming REST services on an iOS device much simpler to implement.

Hackfest topics

Got a problem that coders can solve? We will set aside time for a hackfest -- post your issues now.

  • Anyone interested in taking XTF apart

2011 Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

The Code4Lib "Midwest" Meeting will be held at the University of Illinois at Chicago:

  • Who - Anybody and everybody is invited, especially if you are interested in aspects of computers and librarianship
  • What - A Code4Lib "mini-conference"
  • When - Thursday, July 28th starting at 0830 until Friday, July 29th around 1300
  • Where - Room 1470 Richard J. Daley Library, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago (Illinois) (home page, parking maps)
  • Why - Because community is a good thing, and communication is the key to our success

Suggested Hotel: Crown Plaza 733 W. Madison Chicago, IL

Parking Information

Public Transit Information: Transit Chicago



8:30 Room is open

9 a.m.-12 p.m. (approx) Lightning Talks

12 p.m.-1 p.m. Lunch

1 p.m.-?? Presentations

??--5 p.m. Hackfest

5:30-?? Happy Hour at Villains


8:30 a.m. Welcome

9 a.m.-1 p.m. Presentations

1 p.m.-5 p.m. Room is available for hackfest, etc etc

Lightning Talks, Show & Tell, and Workshops

If you would like to give a lightning talk, do a show & tell, or even give a more formal workshop, then please add your topic and name below. This will help others learn more about what the Meeting will have to offer.

Previous C4L Midwest Regional Meetings

Mailing list

For better or for worse, Code4Lib "Midwest" has low-traffic mailing list/Google group. Consider subscribing.