Code4Lib DC unconference

August 11-12, 2014
Gelman Library
George Washington University

Connect with fellow code-interested cultural heritage professionals at two side-by-side events: a DC-area code4lib unconference and an introduction to programming workshop. As typical of unconferences, the content and activities of the day are determined by the attendees. Bring your ideas! We encourage everyone to consider giving a 10-20 minute talk, a lightning talk, lead a workshop, or organize another activity.

The two events are intended to provide an inclusive, welcoming environment, supported by the DLF Code of Conduct. The schedule includes opportunities for the attendees in each track to meet each other, including a plenary opening session, shared lightning talks, Day 2 afternoon unconference events, and combined coffee/lunch/snack breaks.

These events are sponsored by the Digital Library Federation and the GW Libraries.

More details, schedule, and registration via the GW Libraries site.

We'll be using this page to facilitate sign-ups for unconference talks and activities.