
2013 talks proposals

1,257 bytes added, 02:13, 2 November 2012
adding scholarsphere proposal
Mobile is the new hotness ... and you can't be one of the cool kids unless you've got your own mobile app ... but the road to mobility is daunting. I'll argue that it's actually easier than it seems ... and that the simplest way to mobility is to bring your data to the party, create a REST API around the data, tell developers about your API, and then let the magic happen. To make my argument concrete, I'll show (lord help me!) how to go from an interesting REST API to a fun iOS tool for librarians and the general public in twenty minutes.
== ScholarSphere: How We Built a Repository App That Doesn't Feel Like Yet Another Janky Old Repository App ==
* Dan Coughlin, Penn State University,
* Mike Giarlo, Penn State University,
ScholarSphere is a web application that allows the Penn State research community to deposit, share, and manage its scholarly works. It is also, as some of our users and our peers have observed, a repository app that feels much more like Google Docs or GitHub than earlier-generation repository applications. ScholarSphere is built upon the Hydra framework, and we'll talk about techniques we used to:
* eliminate Fedora-isms in the application
* model and expose metadata in ways that users find unobtrusive
* manage permissions via a UI widget that doesn't stab you in the face
* harvest and connect controlled vocabularies (such as LCSH) to forms
* make URIs cool
* keep the app snappy without venturing into the architectural labyrinth of YAGNI
* populate activity streams (via Redis)
* tie checksum verification, characterization, and version control to the UI
* let users upload and edit multiple files at once
The application will be demonstrated; code will be shown; and we solemnly commit to showing exactly 0 lines of XML.