
2013 preconference proposals

1 byte added, 18:34, 7 November 2012
Intro to Blacklight
=== Intro to Blacklight ===
* Contact: Bess Sadler (bess at
Blacklight ( is a free and open source discovery interface built on solr and ruby on rails. It is used by institutions such as Stanford University, University of Virginia, WGBH, Johns Hopkins University, the Rock and Roll hall of fame, and an ever expanding community of adopters and contributors. Blacklight can be used as a front-end discovery solution for an ILS, or the contents of a digital repository, or to provide a unified discovery solution for many siloed collections. In this workshop we will cover the basics of solr indexing and searching, setting up and customizing Blacklight, and leave time for Q&A around local issues people might encounter.
* Duration: half-day, morning
* Contact: Bess Sadler (bess at
* Note: this workshop can be a standalone intro, or attendees can follow up with the intro to hydra workshop in the afternoon.
* Duration: half-day, morning
==Half Day Afternoon==