
2013 preconference proposals

24 bytes removed, 19:17, 5 December 2012
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Local Drupal uber-ninja Larry Garfield will stop by to answer questions and give us some guidance.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
If there's interest, we could start with a "welcome to code4lib" introductory session for newcomers.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
* [ Focusing on Delivery]
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
Note: this workshop can be a standalone intro, or attendees can follow up with the intro to hydra workshop in the afternoon.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
* Note: Attendees can follow up with the Intro to Blacklight afternoon session, which will be tailored for folks new to Ruby
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
Since Google published its paper on BigTable in 2006, alternatives to the traditional relational database model have been growing in both variety and popularity. These new databases (often referred to as NoSQL databases) excel at handling problems faced by modern information systems that the traditional relational model cannot. They are particularly popular among organizations tackling the so-called "Big Data" problems. However, there are always tradeoffs involved when making such dramatic changes. Understanding how these different kinds of databases are designed and what they can offer is essential to the decision making process. In this precon I will discuss some of the various types of new databases (key-value, columnar, document, graph) and walk through examples or exercises using some of their open source implementations like Riak, HBase, CouchDB, and Neo4j.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
Not a code hacker? No worries; all skill sets and backgrounds are valuable!
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
Hydra ( is a free and open source repository solution that is being used by institutions on both sides of the North Atlantic to provide access to their digital content. Hydra provides a versatile and feature rich environment for end-users and repository administrators alike. Leveraging Blacklight as its front end discovery interface, the hydra project provides a suite of software components, data models, and design patterns for building a robust and sustainable digital repository, as well as a community of support for ongoing development. This workshop will provide an introduction to the hydra project and its software components. Attendees will leave with enough knowledge to get started building their own local repository solutions. This workshop will be led by Adam Wead of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
Note: this workshop will be tailored as a follow-on to the morning's RailsBridge Intro to Ruby on Rails workshop, but everyone is welcome
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
This is a stub proposal entered solely to beat the submission deadline. I think there's be sufficient interest in this session, but only thought of it yesterday and haven't had time to coordinate with actual DPLA'ers and confirm that any of them are definitely coming.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
I'll serve as a moderator (if needed) and participant and would welcome more organizers. I am happy to be outvoted by participants on any of these points--I just want to get us talking about our screw-ups, blind spots, and anvils dropping from the sky.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name
The long awaited and much anticipated Solr 4 has been released! It's a really big deal. There are so many improvements, it makes the head spin. This session will cover the major feature improvements from Lucene's flexible indexing and scoring API up through SolrCloud in a digestable half-day format.
===='''I plan on attending:===='''
* First and last name