
2010talks Submissions

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Edit this page to submit your proposal Deadline for a 20-minute talk at the Code4Lib 2010 Conferencesubmission was '''Friday, November 13'''. For more information, see Edits to existing proposals are no longer allowed as these are being processed for the [[2010talkscall_Call_for_Submissions|Call for submissions]]voting system.
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* Harrison Dekker, University of California, Berkeley,
[ R ] is a popular, powerful , and extensible open source statistical analysis application. [ Rapache], software developed at Vanderbilt University, allows web developers to leverage the numeric processing data analysis and graphical visualization capabilities of R in real-time through simple Apache server requests. This presentation will provide an overview of both R and rapache and will explore how these tools are relevant might be used to develop applications for the library community. 
== Metadata editing - a truly extensible solution ==
* Ross Singer, Talis,
A year later and how far has Linked Library Data come? Outside With the emergence of the Swedish National Library's LIBRIS large, centralized sources (which already existed), the return of as and LC's Chronicling America, not muchviaf. But org, among others) entry to the Linked Data cloud might be easier than you think. This presentation will describe various projects that are out in the wild that can bridge the gap between our legacy data and the semantic web, incremental steps we can take modeling our data, why linked data matters and a demonstration of how a small template changes can contribute to the Linked Data cloud. 
== A code4lib Manifesto ==
* Jose Aguera, Universitty of North Carolina,
HIVE is a toolkit that assists users in selecting vocabulary and ontology terms to annotate digital content. The HIVE approach promises to combine combines the ease of folksonomies with the rigor of traditional vocabularies. Users can By combining semantic web standards with text mining techniques, HIVE will improve the effectiveness of subject metadata generation, allowing users to search and browse through terms from a variety of vocabularies and ontologies in one integrated tool. Documents can be submitted to HIVE for automatic analysis, resulting in a set of to automatically generate suggested vocabulary terms.
Your system can interact with common vocabularies such as LCSH and MESH via the central HIVE server, or you can install a local copy of HIVE with your own custom set of vocabularies. This talk will give an overview of the current features of HIVE and describe how to build tools that use the HIVE services.
* Jeff Sherwood, University of Washington Libraries, jeffs3 at u washington edu
Regular expressions are is a powerful tool to identify matching data between similar files. When one or both of these files has inconsistent data due to differing character encodings or miskeying, the use of regular expressions to find matches becomes impractically complex.
The Levenshtein distance (LD) algorithm is a basic sequence comparison technique that can be used to measure word similarity more flexibly. Employing the LD to calculate difference eliminates the need to identify and code into regex patterns all of the ways in which otherwise matching strings might be inconsistent. Instead, a similarity threshold is tuned to identify close matches while eliminating false positives.
This talk demonstrates one method of matching sets of MARC records that lack common unique identifiers and might contain slight differences in the matching fields. It will cover basic usage of several python tools. No large stack traces, just the comfort of pure python and basic computational algorithms in a step-by-step presentation on dealing with an old library task: matching dirty data. While much literature exists on matching/merging duplicate bibliographic records, most of this literature does not specify how to accomplish the task, just reports on the efficiency of the tools used to accomplish the task, often within a larger system such as an ILS.
==Automating Git to create your own open-source Dropbox clone==
* Ian Walls, System Integration Librarian, NYU Health Sciences Libraries, Ian.Walls at
Dropbox is a great tool for synchronizing files across pretty much any machine you’re working on. Unfortunately, it has some drawbacks:
# Monthly fees for more than 2GB
# The server isn’t yours
# The server-side scripting isn’t open source
However, using the [ Git distributed version control system], file event APIs, and your favourite scripting language, it is possible to create a file synchronization system (with full replication and multiple histories) that connects all your computers to your own server.
These scripts would allow library developers to collaborate and work on multiple machines with ease, while benefiting from the robust version control of Git. An active internet connection is not required to have access to the full history of the repository, making it easier to work on the go. This also keeps your data more private and secure by only hosting it on machines you trust (important if you’re dealing with sensitive patron information).
== Becoming Truly Innovative: Migrating from Millennium to Koha==
* Ian Walls, System Integration Librarian, NYU Health Sciences Libraries, Ian.Walls at
On Sept. 1st, 2009, the NYU Health Sciences Libraries made the unprecedented move from their Millennium ILS to Koha. The migration was done over the course of 3 months, without assistance from either Innovative Interfaces, Inc. or any Koha vendor. The in-house script, written in Perl and XSLT, can be used with any Millennium installation, regardless of which modules have been purchased, and can be adapted to work for migration to systems other than Koha. Helper scripts were also developed to capture the current circulation state (checkouts, holds and fines), and do minor data cleanup.
This presentation will cover the planning and scheduling of the migration, as well as an overview of the code that was written for it. Opportunities for systems integration and development made newly available by having an open source platform are also discussed.
== 7 Ways to Enhance Library Interfaces with OCLC Web Services ==
* Karen A. Coombs,
OCLC Web Services such as xISSN, WorldCat Search API, WorldCat Identities, and the WorldCat Registry provide a variety of data which can be used to enhance and improve current library interfaces. This talk will discuss several simple ideas to improve current users interfaces using data from these services.
Javascript and PHP code to add journal of table of contents information, peer-reviewed journal designation, links to other libraries in the area with a book, also available ..., and info about this author will be discussed.
== Adventures with Facebook Open Platform ==
* Kenny Ketner, Texas Tech University Libraries,
Developing with the facebook platform can be both exciting and something that you wouldn’t wish on your worst enemy. This talk will chronicle the Texas Tech Libraries Development Team experimentation with Facebook Open Platform (fbOpen) as we attempt to create a facebook-like social media application Texas Tech University Libraries, hopefully expanding to the Texas Digital Library (TDL).
More than just a facebook app or page, fbOpen is a complete implementation of the facebook system on a LAMP stack – Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP – which must be maintained by the institution itself. This project is at an early stage, so emphasis will be placed on the challenges of installation, configuration, and testing, as well as the pros and cons for institutions that are considering taking on a similar project.
== Kurrently Kochief ==
* Gabriel Farrell, Drexel University Libraries,
Kochief is a discovery interface and catalogue manager. It rests on Solr and a
Python stack including Django, pymarc, and rdflib. We're using it to highlight
a few collections at Drexel. They live at
I'll talk about the latest and greatest, including advances in the install and
configuration, details considered in the searcher's experience, and the
sourcing and exposing of Linked Data.
== Fedora Commons Repository Workflow with Drupal 6 and SCXML ==
* Scott Hammel, Clemson University,
Clemson is building an enterprise architecture repository to support the Medicaid Information Technology Architecture framework. Using Drupal 6 and Fedora Commons Repository and inspired by Islandora, we've written a module for Drupal that supports artifact governance workflow. Workflow is represented as a state machine stored as SCXML in datastreams on digital objects.
I will talk about the solution, challenges, standards and how workflow, governance, state, and policy are stored and manipulated as content on digital objects.
== Forging Connections: Current uses of SRU ==
* T. Michael Silver, MLIS Student at the University of Alberta,
Search / Retrieve via URL (SRU) has been touted as the next generation of the Z39.50 protocol. Its use of HTTP communication and XML data formats were designed to allow greater integration with other online resources. In October and November 2009, I interviewed seven SRU administrators from libraries, not-for-profit and for-profit organizations to gain insights into their experiences with the protocol.
The results from this small study show that SRU is being used as more than a replacement for Z39.50. Instead, it is also being used to create connections between information resources and users by leveraging the protocol’s use of web standards. My presentation will focus on reporting the topics which emerged during the interviews, ranging from the history and future of information retrieval to differing views on SRU’s relationship with federated search, OpenSearch and other web protocols.
==Extending EZProxy for Fun and Profit==
* Brice Stacey, University of Massachusetts Boston,
EZProxy is much more than just an authentication tool for remote access to library resources. As middleware between electronic resources and patrons, EZProxy is the the backbone from which many applications may be built. Potential uses include monitoring resource use to enhance collection development decisions, injecting context-sensitive information and links to tutorials in a branded toolbar for the duration of a session, and using EZProxy as a single sign-on server. These three ideas alone could streamline the user experience, allow for more granular library instruction and increase awareness of what is actually important to users.
In this session I'd also like to initiate a discussion about the creation of a collaborative site for EZProxy administrators. The proposed site would feature a private workspace to manage EZProxy configurations, drawn from a public repository of database definitions and authentication schemes. Additionally, the site would be an ideal environment for developing additional applications as described above.
== Micro Library Apps: Building library functionality into the Google Gadget platform ==
* Jason A. Clark, Head of Digital Access and Web Services, Montana State University Libraries,
With implementations of the OpenSocial standard, complete functionality within Google Wave, and a huge user base actively using iGoogle, Google Gadgets and the Gadgets API can be used as an emerging platform for bite-sized pieces of library services and applications.
MSU Libraries has applied Google Gadget API technology to allow users to create their own dashboards or waves filled with library content modules. In this session we will demonstrate a wide range of gadgetry including, but not limited to: tabbed gateway searching of catalogs and databases, flash-animated library subject maps, a customized database gateway, a digital collections app gadget, a feed aggregator for library data streams, and a gadget for campus maps and street views.
We'll talk through the anatomy of a Google Gadget, the possibilities for the API and its use in library settings, and the XML, Javascript, HTML, and occasional PHP that make it go.
== Can't We All Just Get Along? ==
* Ryan Scherle, National Evolutionary Synthesis Center,
One of the greatest challenges of a large project is bringing together people from different traditions and getting them to work together. Most Code4Lib attendees are accustomed to working with a team of librarians, technologists, and subject specialists. Working with teams from multiple institutions and multiple disciplines increases the level of complexity, particularly when some teams have a history of maintaining their own discipline-specific technology solutions.
[ DataONE] is a collaborative repository of scientific data being developed by a group of more than 20 organizations. It will combine contents from a diverse set of scientific repositories, covering many disciplines, metadata schemes, and usage policies.
I will give an overview of the DataONE project and its technical architecture, focusing on the architectural design process and techniques for overcoming the differences between the participating repositories. I will also outline the steps required if you want to connect a new repository to the DataONE system.
== Data for all: facilitating access to reference transaction data using web-based tools ==
* David Dahl, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Towson University,
Like many libraries, Towson University’s Albert S. Cook Library uses a homegrown web application to record reference transaction statistics into a Microsoft Access database. (Ours is informally called StatsTracker.) Previously this collected data was only available in a raw format within the database, limiting its usefulness to just 1 or 2 staff with knowledge of querying an Access database. These individuals were frequently asked to compile data to aid in the department’s decision-making. A recent initiative to make this data more publicly accessible (to internal staff) motivated the creation of a suite of web-based tools that aggregate and analyze collected data in order to make up-to-the-minute statistics available for use by the Reference Department. Using a combination of, SQL, Microsoft Chart Controls, and the Visual Web Developer (VWD) application for development, the StatsTracker Analysis Toolkit makes reference transaction data accessible and usable by any member of the department.
This session will cover the development process, demonstrate how VWD facilitated development, and present possibilities for further use of this combination of tools.
[[Category: Code4Lib2010]]