
2013 preconference proposals

10 bytes added, 21:00, 8 February 2013
Boardroom, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Monday, February 11
==Half Day Morning==
=== Open space session ===
====303 Library of the Health SciencesBoardroom, Crowne Plaza Hotel, 9:00 am to 12:00 pm on Monday, February 11====* Dan Chudnov, dchud daniel.chudnov at gwu edugmail dot etc
The rest of code4libcon is pretty well structured these days; come in the morning for a few hours of old-school [ open space technology] unconference. Bring a rough talk or idea you want to share or questions you have or something you want to learn about or discuss with other people, and be ready to tell us about it. Use it as extra prep time for your upcoming prepared or lightning talk if you want. We'll plan the morning out a little bit at the beginning, but not too much. What we do will be up to the people there in the room.