
2013 Lightning Talks Signup

1,979 bytes added, 14:19, 18 February 2013
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Those who already have presentation slots, please hold off and give those without slots lightning talk chances, to spread around the opportunity to talk tot he confto the conference.
=== Tuesday, 4:20-5:20pm [12 slots] ===
Enter ''Name'' -- ''Title of Talk''
# Cynthia Ng -- [ RULA Bookfinder]# Julien Gibert - turning a solr response into a rdf file# Bill Dueber -- Datamart report generator at UMich# Jonathan Rochkind -- bento_search# Ross Singer - How are you managing copyright?# Masao Takaku - [ saveMLAK project for two years] - Jon Stroop - [ Loris Image Server]# Eric Nord - Candybars for bugs# Megan O'Neill Kudzia -- games for pedagogy in the library# Geoffrey Boushey - GEDI reference app for Inter Library Loan# john sarnowski - [ Audio archiving with full text search]# George Campbell - [ three.js: 3D Objects in the browser]
=== Wenesday, 4:20-5:20pm [12 slots] ===
Enter ''Name'' -- ''Title of Talk''
# # # Demian Katz -, Geeby-Deeby, and the Dime Novel Bibliography Project.
# Rachel Frick -- LODLAM Summit 2013 and Challenge
# Kenny Ketner -- Occam's Reader# Al Cornish - Orbis Cascade Alliance Shared ILS Project# Makoto Okamoto -- [ Crowd Funding for Library in Japan]# William Denton - Code4Lib 2013 augmented reality view in Layar# Rosalyn Metz -- What I learned while I was away# Nettie Lagace -- recent cool fun NISO activities# chuck koscher-- Fundref#Andromeda Yelton -- Five Conversations About Coding# Jeremy Morse -- mPach: Publishing directly into HathiTrust# Rob Dumas -- Git in Five Minutes
=== Thursday, 10:15-11:00am [9 slots] ===
Enter ''Name'' -- ''Title of Talk''
# Mark A. Matienzo - [ Wielding the Whip: Affect, Archives, & Ontological Fusion]# Jason Casden and Cory Lown - [ My # HuntLibrary]# Steven Anderson - [ Javascript Streaming Clientside Checksumming w/ HTML5 file upload]# Will Hicks - Metadata entry beyond usability# Kelly Lucas - Drupal as front-end to any Solr index# Karen Coyle - Nerd Poetry# Mark Redar - Django Dublin Core app and RecordExpress aka "Mullet EAD Maker"# James Stuart - Taming Email