
2014 Invited Speakers Nominations

1,083 bytes added, 22:04, 6 August 2013
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Nominations for invited speakers/keynotes for Code4Lib 2014. Please include a description and any relevant links and try to keep the list in alphabetical order. Suggestions will close on August 30, 2013 at midnight (EDT), which will be followed by a community vote. We will contact nominees before the vote to confirm their interest.
==John Allspaw==
John Allspaw ( is the Senior Vice President for Technical Operations at Etsy ( Prior to that he built infrastructure for Salon, InfoWorld, Flickr, and others. His publications include "Web Operations" and "The Art of Capacity Planning". You can find his blog at
As library development teams grow from single programmers writing "glue" scripts to small teams working together on mid size web apps and further to large development shops producing complex and large scale systems, they find themselves struggling with issues of scale. These issues of scale are not just with the systems being built, but with the operations of the team itself. Operations can often be overlooked during the daily routine of project meetings, writing code, fixing bugs, etc. John's insights on operations and capacity planning would be useful to the library development community, particularly for those in departments that are maturing from one or two programmers to mid-size or larger development teams.
==Cory Doctorow==