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Welcome to code4lib Code4Lib BC! Begun in Summer 2013, this chapter aims to create connections and professional development opportunities for folks from British Columbia and surrounding areas.
Begun You can find the public discussion channel on the Code4lib Slack in Summer 2013, this chapter aims to create connections and professional development opportunities for folks from British Columbia and surrounding areas#c4lbc.
If you're interested in hosting, please [ sharing take a read over our Planner'''First Annual Code4lib BC Event''' ==s Guide].
== '''WhenNinth Annual Code4Lib BC Unconference 2024''': November 28 and 29, 2013==
'''WhereSave the dates!''': SFU Harbour Centre, Vancouver, BC [ map]
'''Cost'''* Thursday, 16 May and Friday, 17 May* [https: $20// Registration is now open]
This year'''Accommodations'''s C4LBC will be held in Vancouver, BC, and hosted by VCC at the [https: Info coming soon// Downtown Campus].
=== What'''Register here''': it all about? ===
It'''What''': It’s s a 2 -day unconference! A - a participant-driven meeting featuring lightning talks in the mornings, hackfest in the afternoons, with coffee, tea bringing together a diverse and snacks provided. Lightning talks are brief presentations which are typically 5-10 minutes in length (15 minutes is the maximum) on topics related to open community of library technologies: current projects, tips developers and tricks, or hacks non-developers engaging in the works. Hackfest is an opportunity to bring participants together in an ad hoc fashion for a shorteffective, yet sustained period of collaborative problem -solving, software development and fun. In advance of the event, we will gather project ideas in a form available through our wiki and registration pages. Each afternoon the code4libBC participants will review and discuss the proposals, break into groups, and work on some technology regardless of the projectstheir department or background.
'''Who''': A diverse This year’s event will feature lightning talks and open community of library developers and non-developers engaging in effectivebreakout sessions. Lightning talks are brief, collaborative problem10-solving through technology.Anyone from the library community who is interested in minute presentations on topics related to library technologies . Breakout sessions are welcome an opportunity to join and participatebring participants together in an ad hoc fashion for a short, regardless yet sustained period of their department or background: systems and ITproblem solving, public services, circulation, cataloguing software development and technical services, archives, digitization and preservationfun. All are welcome to help set the agenda, define the outcomes and develop the deliverables!
* '''WhyWhat's included''': Why not? code4libBC is a group of dynamic library technology practitioners throughout the province who want to build new relationships as much as develop new software solutions to, coffee/tea, wifi, power
* '''Tag d'hashWhat to bring''': #c4lbcyour ideas and enthusiasm.
If you’re ready to get your hands dirty with library technology practitioners, register here* '''Mastodon Hashtag''':`#c4lbc`
Our first annual code4libBC * '''Code of Conduct''': As a Code4Lib event could not have been made possible without , we adhere to the generous financial support of[ Code4Lib Code of Conduct], which seeks to provide a welcoming, harassment-free environment.
* BCCATS (British Columbia Cataloguing and Technical Services Interest Group)
* BC Electronic Library Network
* BC Libraries Cooperative
* Kwantlen Polytechnic University
* Simon Fraser University
* University of Victoria
And special thanks to the BC Libraries Cooperative for assisting the organizing group with administrative duties.===Lightning Talk and Breakout Session Ideas===
Feel free to email Paul Joseph (code4libBC Chair) at with questions or comments.
If there’s a neat project you'''Lightning Talk Proposals and Hackfest/Breakout Suggestions''': Submit them [ here]ve been working on, a cool new tool you want to show off, or an interesting development in the world of library technology that you want to discuss, Code4Lib BC is a great opportunity to share that with the community.
[ Submit a lightning talk or breakout session idea]
== '''Lightning Talk Proposals''' = Schedule ===
John Durno, University of Victoria* Filling up the Internet Archive using their S3-like API. UVic recently uploaded 750G of old newspapers and metadata '''''Please note that all times are PST (over 15Vancouver,000 issuesCanada) to the IA via their API, based on Amazon's S3, by way of a simple python script making use of the boto library and a wrapper supplied by one of the IA developers. The API proved surprisingly robust, and I'd like to spread the word.''''
==== Day 1 ====
Peter Tyrrell, Andornot{| class="wikitable"* Setting up Apache Solr to index and search over multiple source types| 8: database and fielded data, Excel/CSV, scanned mags and newspapers, PDFs, word processor documents, websites, geolocations, etc. Focus will be on schema and DataImportHandler considerations, plus amusing anecdotes as time allows.30 || Venue opens* Another option would be|-| 9: scripts that parse a PDF into a TIF, JPG, TXT, 00 || Welcome and positional XML per page via djvulibre and imagemagick libraries. Make 'em ready for indexing and flexible display.announcements|-| 9:15 || Lightning talks* I could maybe go over how to |-| 10:30 || Break|-| 10:45 || Lightning talks (and how NOT tocontinued) represent and display hierarchical * |-| 12:00 || Lunch|-| 1:00 || Breakout sessions * |-| 2:30 || Break|-| 2:45 || Breakout sessions (cough, archivalcontinued) data in an Apache Solr index. Mostly this would be a juicy rant about how just how ruddy difficult I found it.* |-| 4:00 || Breakout reports|-| 5:00 || Social event|}
==== Day 2 ====
{| class="wikitable"
| 8:30 || Venue opens
| 9:00 || Welcome and announcements
| 9:15 || Lightning talks
| 10:30 || Break
| 10:45 || Lightning talks (continued)
| 12:00 || Lunch
| 1:00 || Breakout sessions
| 2:30 || Break
| 2:45 || Breakout sessions (continued)
| 4:00 ||
| 5:00 ||
Stefan Khan-Kernahan, The University of British Columbia* UBC is launching an in-house product for managing course reserves that helps streamline workflows between faculty & library, within library staff (e.g copyright control etc.), and library & student, which I'd like to present on, the content of which would be on completed modules to date and learning lessons for others=== Sponsors ===
While Code4Lib BC no longer solicits sponsorship, we want to acknowledge the continued administrative and fiscal support from the [ BC Libraries Cooperative].
Marcus Emmanuel Barnes, Simon Fraser University* Normalizing existing digitized content into standardized packages for robust long-term management. A report on SFU Library's METS-Bagger tool, with a discussion of the benefits, design principles used for the packaging specification, and potential next steps.=== 2024 Organizers ===
* James Fournie
* Dan Sifton
* Eka Grguric
* Tamarack Hockin
* John Durno
* Scott Leslie
* Trevor Smith
* George Villavicencio
* Rebecca Dickson
* Cynthia Ng
Colleen Bell, University of the Fraser Valley* I= 've been using PHP, JSON, and Libguides widgets to integrate Libguides content into our ERM and ERM content into our Libguides. This is particularly useful for libraries using SFU's researcher suite, but could provide ideas for anyone, since the code generated by the PHP can be displayed in any web page.'Past Events''' =
 Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University* Libraries are realizing the potential for exposing their locally managed content as Linked Data. One of the types of local data that offers a lot of potential for leveraging Linked Data's capabilities is the controlled subject terms applied to local digital collections. I would like to demonstrate how I've enriched SFU's Editorial Cartoons Collection's descriptive metadata with URIs from, paying particular attention to those from the Thesaurus for Graphic Material.* Explanation and demo of docr/smd, a distributed Optical Character Recognition platform designed to use smartphones and tablets to do the OCR.  May Chan, Burnaby Public Library* Hackfests for the Uninitiated. For all sorts of reasons, hackfests can be intimidating to first-timers and especially to those who have little or no programming ability. To encourage those new to this form of collaborative learning, my LT will relate key a-ha! moments from my first hackfest experience, especially some difficult truths learned.* The Code4Lib Conference Gender and Minority Scholarships. One of the ways Code4Lib supports gender and cultural diversity is to offer conference scholarships to women, transgendered persons and persons of ethnic or aboriginal descent. As a way to encourage potential BC applicants, this LT will give some nuanced background on the scholarship program and application process.   Calvin Mah, SFU Library* SFU Library - Hours Database  Sarah Sutherland, Canadian Legal Information Institute* I would like to discuss the process involved in evaluating the responses to requests for proposals for technology projects. There are often several very good submissions once the basic requirements are met, and at that point it becomes more about the style of the vendor and what kind of project it is. We recently went through this process, so I will use some anonymized examples from See our process to illustrate my talk.   == '''Hackfest/Breakout Suggestions''' == John Durno, University of Victoria* Develop an Omeka module that uses the Internet Archive to host video and audio content, essentially using Omeka as the front end user interface while taking advantage of the IA's media delivery/streaming capabilities. I envision two components: content and metadata would be uploaded via Omeka's admin interface. The IA's media player would be embedded in the public interface for content delivery.  Stefan Khan-Kernahan, The University of British Columbia* Building a more engaging digital asset viewer than what is provided by ContentDM/competitors. Details: current digital asset presentation (e.g Content DM), whilst providing all the ""necessary"" information for the user (image + metadata etc.) simply lack in user engagement. If universities are expecting to build interest in these collections among current/future students, they need to cater for a more involved experience. I am proposing an image viewer for digital assets that allows tagging/hotspot that trigger supplementary information beyond metadata (e.g. video explanations of areas on maps, how they came to be etc)  Karen J. Nelson, Capilano Unversity Library* Could we have a quickie: 1. FRBR explanation. 2. ditto data exchange. 3. ditto linked data. 4. bibframe. 5. WEMI language  Jonathan Jacobsen, Andornot* I'm working on a virtual exhibit project using Omeka right now, so I second the idea of an Omeka breakout session. Would love to connect with some other Omeka users/developers. In particular, to discuss the Solr plug-in.  May Chan, Burnaby Public Library, and Mark Jordan, Simon Fraser University* New bibliographic standards and Linked Data. This breakout session will provide opportunities for participants to explore and experiment with new and emerging models for bibliographic data, such as FRBR, the DCMI Abstract Model, and BIBFRAME within the context of Resource Description Framework (RDF) and Linked Data. Practical outcomes of the session will include converting MARC21 data into MARCXML and Dublin Core XML, using the BIBFRAME tool ( to transform MARCXML into BIBFRAME resources, and linking data values used as access points in MARC21 records to URIs from the Library of Congress’s Linked Data Service at Because this breakout will take the approach of supporting self-directed learning in a collaborative environment, participants should prepare for this session by reviewing the following:** A Quick Intro to Linked Data / Michael Hausenblas*** Slides:*** Video:** Linked Open Data: What is it? / Europeana*** Video:** 30 Minute Guide to RDF and Linked Data / Ian Davis***** DCMI Abstract Model***** RDA Relationships Oveview***** Moving Library Metadata Towards Linked Data / Jennifer Bowen***** BIBFRAME tutorial / Jeremy Nelson***** Linked Data First Steps & Catch-21 / Karen Coyle***[[BC_Past_Events|past events]] page.html