no edit summary
* 8:30
*: start / welcome
* 9:15
*: lightning talks(''see below'')
* 10:30
*: break / order lunch
* 10:45
*: lightning talks (''continued'')*: if lightning talks run short, we can commence with the Group Activity before lunch (''see below'')
* 12:00
*: lunch / group walk to cupcakes photo / getting to know one another / group photolunch
* 1:00
*: library tour(''Meet in 1-470'')
* 1:30
*: hackathon breakout(s) / lightning talks / other breakouts Group activity; begin Breakout/ BOFs (in parallel) Hackathon Sessions when complete (''see below'') * 32:0030
*: break
* 32:1545*: more content, TBDBreakout/Hackathon Sessions (''continued'')
* 4:15
*: wrap-up in 1-470 (sustaining energy & engagement?)
* 4:30
*: end
==Group Activity==* We're planning to try something a little different: a group mind-map, to warm up for the Breakout sessions.* Write down on the specified Post-It color (provided): Your name, and one of the following topics:** Green: the thing which made me most proud this week** Yellow: the library technology I'm most excited about right now** Pink: the most annoying thing about my library's website** Blue: something I'd like to see at the next Chicago Code4Lib meetup* Stick your post-it on the whiteboard in 1-470, ''close to another topic which you consider related''. Please feel free to move other peoples' post-it notes around!* Talk amongst yourselves. ==Breakout/Hackathon Sessions @1:30-3:00==
* Up for debate: these are just some possible topics. We need four total.
* If you have an idea, add it to the list! If we end up with more than four, we will conduct a straw poll to determine the most relevant/popular.
* For inspiration, [http://wiki.code4lib.org/2015_Preconference_Proposals here is the list of pre-conference workshops] at the last national Code4Lib
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==UIC Environs: Lunch and Parking==