
2016 Code4Lib Midwest Meeting

37 bytes added, 18:43, 14 July 2016
added link to slides
'''Audio Preservation and Automating Transcription''' - Megan Kudzia, Michigan State University:
I have been working on a project to automate transcription for a digitized audio oral history collection. This talk will cover: how I automated transcription; how I got the finished audio files and transcripts into our Islandora digital repository; problems that I'm still trying to figure out solutions for; and what I learned along the way.Slides [here](
'''Batch-loading Electronic Serials Records while Maintaining High Quality Bibliographic Control''' - Jamie Carlstone, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign: I will go over the workflow challenges of batch loading electronic serials MARC records while trying to maintain a high standard of quality. The process requires a circular workflow between OCLC Connexion, MarcEdit, Excel, and Microsoft Access that is far from ideal. I will also discuss a program I am working on that aims to improve upon this process.