
2019 Keynote Speakers Nominations

10,834 bytes added, 18:51, 21 October 2019
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Nominations for invited speakers/keynotes for Code4Lib 2019 in San José, CA will run until '''October 22, 2018Nominations are now closed'''for the Code4Lib 2019 Keynote speakers.
Please include a description and any relevant links and try to keep the list in alphabetical order.
Some pertinent history/biography/[ hyperlinks] that elucidates why Jane would be a good keynote speaker.
==Leo Lo ==
Leo Lo is the Associate University Librarian for learning and undergraduate services at Penn State University Libraries. Leo is a talented presenter, creative thinker and offers very interesting ideas relating to organizational research and development, appreciative inquiry, fostering collaborative works and communications including one's strengths and gifts to the organization. He would make an excellent speaker for Code4Lib when connecting to bigger frameworks within our communities/workflows.
More on [ Penn State News], [ Linked In], [ ODU digital commons]
==Tara Robertson ==
More about [ Karla].
==Rick Prelinger==
Rick Prelinger is an archivist, writer, filmmaker, and librarian. He is currently [ Professor of Film & Digital Media] at University of California, Santa Cruz. His archival work currently focuses on collecting, recontextualizing, and exhibiting home movies and amateur films, and is a renowned speaker on preservation, archives, and material culture in the anthropocene. In 1982, he founded [ Prelinger Archives], a collection of industrial, advertising, educational and amateur films that was acquired by the Library of Congress in 2002. With Megan Prelinger, he is the co-founder of [ Prelinger Library], an appropriation-friendly private research library open to the public in downtown San Francisco. Prelinger has also partnered with the Internet Archive (of which he is a board member) to make 2,100 films available online for free viewing, downloading and reuse. His archival feature Panorama Ephemera (2004) played in venues around the world. Prelinger has recently made several film programs that he categorizes as “historical interventions,” called Lost Landscapes of San Francisco (7 annual parts) and Lost Landscapes of Detroit (3 annual parts).
More about [ Rick].
==Safiya U. Noble==
From her website: "Dr. Safiya Umoja Noble is an Assistant Professor at the University of Southern California (USC) Annenberg School of Communication, and is the author of a best-selling book on racist and sexist algorithmic bias in commercial search engines, entitled Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism. [...] Previously, she was an assistant professor in the Department of Information Studies in the Graduate School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA where she held appointments in the Departments of African American Studies, Gender Studies, and Education."
More about [ Safiya].
==Sarah Mei==
Sarah Mei is a Ruby and JavaScript developer and the Chief Consultant at DevMynd Software. With Sarah Allen, she founded [ RailsBridge], a community that provides free two-day workshops for members of under-represented groups in tech who want to learn Ruby on Rails. She also founded [ BridgeFoundry] to expand the RailsBridge model to other communities. Sarah is a renowned speaker and author on topics such as technical collaboration and pair programming, fostering inclusive communities, and Ruby development.
More about [ Sarah].
==October Montoya ==
October Montoya is a PhD student in the Communications and Science Studies Departments at UC San Diego. They hold a BA in Ethnic Studies, and a BA in Feminist Studies from University of California at Santa Cruz where their thesis, "Digital Activism in the Land of Abundant Failure: Silicon Valley and the Radical Re-Making of the Borders between Place and Space" explored the relationship between geography, technology, displacement, and change-making in their hometown of San Jose, California. Prior to attending graduate school, October engaged in various grassroots and coalitional forms of community organizing in the Bay Area, and this continues to influence their research interests, projects, and goals. They are also a contributing editor of San Jose-based literary journal Cheers from the Wasteland.
More about October: [ Cheersfromthewasteland] [].
== Isaac Schlueter ==
Creator of npm, the JavaScript package manager, and CEO of npm, Inc. Isaac has been working in open source technology for decades and was instrumental in Node's early development, taking over from Node's creator Ryan Dahl and leading the project for a few years. While his contributions to open source software are notable, Isaac also leads by example with regards to diversity in the tech industry and creating a positive company atmosphere at npm. The company has [ a code conduct] and emphasizes a healthy work/life balance. "We believe that the best way to iterate towards success is by taking care of ourselves, our families, our users, and one another." Isaac is local to Oakland, California.
More about Isaac: [] [ @izs]
== [ Mimi Fox Melton] ==
Director, Community Mobilization for [ Code2040]. As a first generation Haitian-American, Mimi’s passion lives at the intersection of Black and Brown liberation and empowerment. In her role at CODE2040, she designs experiences to build and strengthen community while resourcing and connecting agents of equity and inclusion within the Black and Latinx tech community. Before CODE2040, Mimi co-founded and ran Code for Progress, a non-profit coding bootcamp that pays adults of color as they learn to code and start careers in social justice tech.
[ Form for requesting her (or another Code2040 staffer) to speak]
== Becky Yoose ==
Becky Yoose is the Library Applications and Systems Manager for the Seattle Public Library, perennial Code4Lib MC and presenter, and wearer of many hats, both physical and metaphorical. She has wrangled both library people and data for over a decade, working at academic and public libraries of different shapes and sizes, from libraries built exclusively on proprietary systems to Open Source library technology shops. Becky's data work includes cataloging and metadata work to administrating library systems, data warehouses and patron data privacy. Her library community work includes extensive involvement in code4lib, LibTechWomen, Mashcat, and Troublesome Catalogers and Magical Metadata Fairies, as well as bridging the library world to other communities like Write The Docs. Becky's work and interests fall into the many intersections of technology, culture, privacy, community, and libraries.
At past Code4Lib conferences, Becky has spoken thoughtfully and passionately about key issues in our community, including sustainability and burnout, compassionate project development, and the ethics of data analytics. She works for tea and chocolate, and prefers to use lard for her pie crust, though she will make vegan butter pie crust on request.
More about Becky: []
Previous C4L talks:
* [ Your code does not exist in a vacuum]
* [ The Modern Day Sisyphus: #libtech Burnout and You]
* And others too numerous to mention.
== Kate Deibel ==
Kate Deibel is the Inclusion & Accessibility Librarian at Syracuse University. An ardent advocate for usable and accessible technologies, her work focuses on disciplinarity, technology adoption, comics, and disability. Kate earned her PhD in computer science and engineering at the University of Washington in 2011 with a multidisciplinary study of the social and technological factors that hinder adoption of reading technologies among adults with dyslexia, and while working as a web applications specialist at the University of Washington Libraries she focused on ensuring that technologies are effective tools for both library patrons and staff. Kate brings to library work strong communication skills to encourage different disciplinary and departmental perspectives to come together. By challenging the assumptions that we make about accessibility and our patrons' experiences with library technology, Kate's work pushes us to be more empathetic, realistic, and creative when we design library systems.
*[ The Most Accessible Catalog Results Page Ever]
*[ Shall We Become Two-headed Monsters? Cross-disciplinary and multiliteracy perspectives for Mashcat’s goals]
== Margaret Heller ==
Margaret Heller is the Digital Services Librarian at Loyola University Chicago. Involved in Code4Lib since 2010, she also sits on the LITA Board of Directors, and actively participates in community projects including the Read/Write Library Chicago and LibTechWomen. Her passion for building strong communities has led to writing a forthcoming book on best practices for library technology communities of all kinds. Heller has spoken several times at Code4Lib about community building, and is an advocate for being inclusive and sensitive to the needs of people and institutions across library types and funding or staffing levels. She will speak to how trends in technology and politics require communities to engage their members and improve their structures in order to ensure a future for community technology.
*[ Glorious Generalist]
*[ ACRL TechConnect posts]
==Freada Kapor Klein (unavailable)==
Freada Kapor Klein, PhD is an entrepreneur, social policy researcher, and diversity activist. She is a founding partner at Kapor Capital and the [ Kapor Center for Social Impact], as well as part of the founding team at [ Project Include]. Dr. Klein is involved in endeavors that aim to bring diversity to the tech space and empower social entrepreneurs.
*[ Fraeda Kapor Klein Wikipedia article]
*[ Freada's Kapor Center bio]
*[ Kapor Klein: Silicon Valley’s diversity activist]