
2019 Conference Volunteers

498 bytes added, 22:49, 21 February 2019
no edit summary
* 3pm - 6pm: [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]]
* 3pm - 6pm: [[User:rtennant|Roy Tennant]]
* 3pm - 6pm: ''Your Name Here''[[User:Anarchivist|Mark Matienzo]]
Tuesday, preconference day:
* 8am - 10am: [[User:Hardyoyo|Hardy Pottinger]]
* 8am - 10am: ''Your Name Here''[[User:KaitlinNewson|Kaitlin Newson]]
* 1pm - 3pm: ''Your Name Here''
Wednesday, day one:
* 8am - 9:30am: ''Your Name Here''[[User:KaitlinNewson|Kaitlin Newson]]
== Social Events ==
Wednesday, Day One:
* 6:30-7:30pm Reception: ''Your Name Here'' [[User:tallgood|Tammy Allgood Wolf]] (need to be at venue at 6:30pm so on the first bus or arrive on their own)
* 6:30-7:30pm Reception: ''Your Name Here'' (ditto)
* 7:30-8:30pm Reception: ''Your Name Here''
* Floor Map. Lower Level   Thursday, Day Two:* 9:30-10pm Game Night Cleanup: ''Your Name Here''[[User:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace]]* 9:30-10pm Game Night Cleanup: ''Your Name Here''[[User:hardyoyo|Hardy Pottinger]]
== Social Networking ==
Answering general questions on Twitter(#c4l19), IRC, and Slack (#general) and passing questions to the Mic-minders.on Slack (#code4libcon)
Onsite Volunteer Committee Coordinator: [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]]
== Mic-minders ==
Ask questions on mic on behalf of community (because of distance, mic aversion, etc). Asking questions on behalf of remote attendees passed to the slack channel: #code4libcon
Onsite Volunteer Committee Coordinator: [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]]
Wednesday, Day Two:
* AM volunteer: [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]]
* AM volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Thomas Guignard
* PM volunteer: Lydia Zvyagintseva
* PM volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Nathan W
Thursday, Day Three:
* AM volunteer: ''Your Name HereWhitni''* AM volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Thomas Guignard
* PM volunteer: [[User:ChrisDay|Chris Day]]
* PM volunteer: 'Lydia Zvyagintseva
Friday, Day Four:
* AM volunteer: [[User:ChrisDay|Chris Day]]
* AM volunteer: ''Your Name Here''[[User:Gmcharlt|Galen Charlton]]
== Livestream Assistants (Onsite) ==
* AM Volunteer: Cary Gordon
* AM Volunteer: [[User:rtennant|Roy Tennant]]
* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''[[User:JerryWaller|Jerry Waller]]
* PM Volunteer: [ Li Fu]
* AM Volunteer: [[User:rtennant|Roy Tennant]]
* AM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''
* PM Volunteer: [ Li Fu]
* PM Volunteer: [ Ethan Gates]
* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''
Friday, Day Four:
== Livestream QA (Remote) ==
Volunteers for livestream QA will be remotely watching the conference and can notify us if there are any issues with the feed. We'd prefer two or three volunteers per shift, located in different parts of the US/world. All times below are Pacific Standard Time (PST).
To report a problem (even if you're not an "official" volunteer), you can send a message in the #livestream-qa channel of the Code4Lib Slack.
Onsite Volunteer Committee Coordinator: Hardy Pottinger
Wednesday, Day Two:
* AM Volunteer: [[User:DataGazetteer|Peter Murray]] (East); ''Your Name Here'' [[User:ElissaThomas|Elissa Thomas]] (West);* PM volunteer: [[User:DataGazetteer|Peter Murray]] (East); ''Your Name Here'' (West);
Thursday, Day Three:
* AM Volunteer: [[User:DataGazetteer|Peter Murray]] (East); ''Your Name Here'' Jeff Rynhart (West);* PM volunteer: [[User:DataGazetteer|Peter Murray]] (East); ''Your Name Here'' Jeff Rynhart (West);
Friday, Day Four:
* AM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here'' Ranti Junus (East); ''Your Name Here'' Kevin Clair (West);* PM volunteer: ''Your Name Here'' (East); ''Your Name Here'' Melissa Johnson (West);
== IRC/Slack (Technical) ==
* Before the conference: [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]] & [[User:Anarchivist|Mark Matienzo]]
* During the conference: [[User:Anarchivist|Mark Matienzo]] & "Your Name Here" & [[User:Kimpham54|Kim Pham]]
Onsite Volunteer Committee Coordinator: [[User:tallgood|Tammy Allgood Wolf]]
Wednesday, Day TwoOne:
* AM Volunteer: Dre
* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Whitni
Thursday, Day ThreeTwo:* AM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''[ Eric Phetteplace]* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''[[User:hardyoyo|Hardy Pottinger]]
Friday, Day FourThree:
* AM Volunteer: [[User:rtennant|Roy Tennant]]
Wednesday, Day Two:
* AM Volunteer: 'Your Name Here''Kim Pham* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Whitni
Thursday, Day Three:
* AM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Kim Pham* PM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''Whitni
Friday, Day Four:
* AM Volunteer: ''Your Name Here''[[User:msuranofsky|Michelle Suranofsky]]
== The Whatever Crew ==
* [[User:rtennant|Roy Tennant]]
* [[User:Hardyoyo|Hardy Pottinger]] hpottinger on slack or -at-library-dot-ucla-dot-edu
* [[User:JerryWaller|Jerry Waller]] - jerrywaller on slack
* ''Your Name Here''
* ''Your Name Here''
* ''Your Name Here'' future potential volunteers: podium tech help
[[Category: Code4Lib2019]]