
2023 Scholarship Documents/Logistics emails

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[[2023_Scholarship_Documents|2023 Scholarship Committee Documents]]

== Logistics Email 1 ==
Dear Code4Lib 2023 Scholarship Awardees,

We’re excited to have you attend the Code4Lib 2018 Conference as a scholarship awardee. This email covers two things: website bios/social media handles and travel logistics.

'''Website Bios/Social Media Handles'''

We will be putting the list of awardees on the Code4Lib 2023 website. If you would like, please feel free to submit a short, 2-sentence bio (your background, why you are interested in Code4Lib…) and/or your Twitter Handle to be included on the website. Both are optional! Also, if you are a member of Slack and would like to interact with the Code4Lib community there, please feel free to send us your Slack handle to be added to the group.


Please take a moment to register for Code4Lib 2023 by clicking here: ''''''. You will enter '''(code)''' in the Discount Code field, on the Payment Page, to receive a 100% discount. The cost of your registration fee '''($ rate)''' will be deducted from your total scholarship amount of $1500. Scholarship winners are able to register for pre-con workshops at no charge, so please feel free to add up to one AM and one PM session to your registration. You will be charged for any Optional Items, if you choose to add to your registration.

Please try to register ASAP.

'''(Need more information. Below is the email from last year.)'''
Due to the nature of hosting this conference on campus, in 2022 there will not be a centralized hotel location. The Local Planning Committee is looking into small blocks of rooms at nearby hotels where we hope to secure rooms at modestly discounted rates. Check the Buffalo Code4Lib website for more information, which will be added as it becomes available. If making your own reservation causes a hardship, please reach out to Kathy or Jenn for assistance.


Original receipts are required for reimbursement, which will be handled on site during the conference. Please bring (or email a copy of the Expense Voucher (linked below), completed, as well as original receipts for things such as transportation, lodging and meals not provided by the conference, to the event. You will be given a reimbursement check on-site.

Code4Lib Expense Voucher -
(please download or make a copy)

If you have any other needs or questions, please feel free to reach out to us or to any of your contacts on the Scholarship Committee ( We look forward to meeting you in Buffalo and to a great Code4lib 2022!

== Logistics Email 2 ==
Dear Code4Lib 2018 Scholarship Awardees,

The conference is just two weeks away! We're following up with some information about reimbursement, as well as attending and navigating the conference.


'''(name)''' and '''(name)''' are your primary contacts for logistics and reimbursements. You can reach them by email at ''(email)'', and find them at the conference at the registration table. As a reminder, here's some information about reimbursements from their initial email:

''Original receipts are required for reimbursement, which will be handled on site during the conference. Please bring (or email this address) a copy of the attached form, completed, as well as those original receipts for things such a transportation, lodging and meals not provided by the conference to the event and you will be given a reimbursement check on-site.''<br/>

'''Scholarship Committee contact information'''

If you have any questions for the Scholarship Committee while getting to or at the conference, you're welcome to contact Todd Stoffer ''(phone, email)'' and Amy Wickner ''(phone, email)''. We'll be at the conference most days and are happy to help with anything that comes up.

'''Code4Lib First-Timer's Guide'''

Lastly, we've pooled our collective experience to put together a '''([[2023_Scholarship_Documents/First-Timers_Guide_for_Scholarship_Awardees|conference guide for first-time attendees]].)''' We hope it'll make your Code4Lib 2023 experience a welcoming and interesting one.

As always, please get in touch with any questions or concerns. Thanks for reading, and we look forward to meeting you next month!