
2011talks Submissions

1,000 bytes added, 16:29, 11 November 2010
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In October 2010, the NCSU Libraries debuted its first public touch-screen information kiosk, designed to provide on-demand access to useful and commonly consulted real-time displays of library information. With the exception of the touchscreen itself, the system was created using commonly available free software and off-the-shelf hardware. In this presentation, I will describe the process for creating the touchscreen interface that is used in this kiosk. I will walk through the challenges of developing for a touch-optimized environment in HTML and JavaScript; I will describe how free utilities and web browser plugins may be combined to secure a public touchscreen kiosk; and I will present a data analysis of touchscreen usage since the kiosk's rollout to evaluate content selection and interface design.
== Next-L Enju, NDL Search and the library geeks in Japan ==
* Kosuke Tanabe, Keio University, tanabe at mwr dot mediacom dot keio dot ac dot jp
[ Next-L Enju ] is an open source integrated library system developed by Project Next-L, the library geek community in Japan launched on November 2006. It is built on open-source software (Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL/MySQL and Solr) and supports modern ILS features (e.g. FRBR structure and RESTful WebAPI).
Enju has been inplemented by some libraries, which include National Diet Library (NDL), the largest library in Japan. NDL has chosen Enju to provide a new search engine, called "NDL Search" and added some extra features (e.g. automatic FRBRization and providing bibliographic data in a Linked Data format) . The development version is available at .
I'm one of the author of Next-L Enju. I'd like to talk about the overview and structure of Next-L Enju, NDL Search and the activities of our project.
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