
2011talks Submissions

2,751 bytes added, 19:23, 11 November 2010
Add Notre Dame Hydra Head Presentation Proposal
I'm one of the authors of Next-L Enju. I'd like to talk about the overview and structure of Next-L Enju, NDL Search and the activities of our project.
== Hydra Framework: A community based approach to developing a Digital Exhibit at Notre Dame ==
* Rick Johnson, University of Notre Dame, (rick dot johnson at nd dot edu)
At the dawn of the American Revolution, Ben Franklin quipped that "we must hang together, or surely we will hang apart."
The scope of managing, preserving, and interacting with digital content is too much for any one institution to conquer by itself. It's time to stop working by ourselves and start working together. Based on these principles the Hydra project was born in 2008 out of the Universities of Hull, Stanford and Virginia while partnering with Fedora Commons. The Hydra framework combines the efforts of the Blacklight, ActiveFedora, Solr, and Fedora Commons communities to provide a toolkit of reusable components to meet a diversity of content management needs.
Through connections we made at Code4Lib2010, it was immediately clear that the Hydra project's design and development philosophies complement our philosophies at the University of Notre Dame.
Come explore how we at Notre Dame have been welcomed into this community of developers, have adopted the Hydra Framework for our own Digital Repository efforts, and how we have utilized the common Hydra codebase to develop our own "Hydra Head" for Digital Exhibits. We will cover Hydra features such as inline editing of metadata, generation of metadata xml, search, and browsing a collection.
The Hydra Project is actively seeking partnerships with other institutions to extend our efforts. Will your institution be next?
More about the [ Hydra Project]:
Hydra is a multi-institutional, multi-functional, multi-purpose framework that addresses digital content management on twin fronts. As a technical framework, it provides a toolkit of reusable components that can be combined and configured in different arrays to meet a diversity of content management needs. As a community framework, Hydra provides like-minded institutions with the mechanism to combine their individual development efforts, resources and priorities into a collective solution with breadth and depth that exceeds the capacity of any single institution to create, maintain or enhance on its own.
Hydra's ultimate objective is to effectively intertwine its technical and community threads of development, producing a community-sourced, sustainable application framework that provides rich and robust repository-powered solutions as an integrated part of an overall digital content management architecture. Such solutions can meet the distinct needs of digital library, institutional repository, discipline repository, research, preservation and publishing workflows.