
Code4Lib Journal Email Templates

3,703 bytes added, 23:08, 1 July 2019
Call for proposals
== Call for proposals ==
Change <angle brackets> and post Post to the [[Code4Lib Journal Publicity Venues]].
To be included in the <nth> issue, which is scheduled for publication
in mid <Month YYYY>, please submit articles, abstracts, or proposals at
http or to by <Friday, <Month DD, YYYY>. When submitting, please include the title
or subject of the proposal in the subject line of the email message.
* Technology projects (failed, successful, or proposed), including
how they were done and the challenges faced
* Case studies
* Best practices
middle ground between blog posts and articles in traditional refereed
journals. Where appropriate, we encourage authors to submit code
samples, algorithms, and pseudo-code. For more information, visitC4LJ's C4LJ’s Article Guidelines or browse articles from the first <n> earlier issuespublished on our website:
Remember, for consideration for the <nth> issue, please send proposals,
abstracts, or draft articles to /submit-proposalno later than <Friday, <Month DD, YYYY>. (Use ifsending attachments.)
Send in a submission. Your peers would like to hear what you are doing.
Thank you for submitting a proposal to the Code4Lib Journal. We appreciate your participation in the Code4Lib community. The editors have received your proposal and should will be in touch with you in { within 2-4 weeks or put date if reviewing all together} regarding its appropriateness for publication in C4LJ. We will notify you if we need additional information to make this decision. Please feel free to contact us at if you have additional questions. The C4LJ editorial team has begun collecting demographic data about abstracts submitted in an effort to understand the diversity (or lack thereof) of proposals submitted. This data will not be connected to your submission or viewed by the editorial team during the process of voting on submissions. The aggregate data will be curated and made publicly available annually. If you would be willing to participate and have not already done so, please use the following link. We would appreciate your distributing the link to co-authors: </pre> == Submission Acknowledgement with Request for CC-BY Affirmation == <pre>Thank you for submitting a proposal to the Code4Lib Journal. We appreciate your participation in the Code4Lib community. The editors have received your proposal and will be in touch with you regarding its appropriateness for publication in C4LJ.  Articles in the Code4Lib Journal are published with a Creative Commons 'By' license, and we require that all authors acknowledge that licensing (see - "Copyright/Licensing" section). Please send a reply and let us know if that is acceptable. We will notify you if we need additional information to make this decision. Please feel free to contact us at if you have additional questions.
In order to help the editors determine if your proposal is appropriate
for this publication, could you share more details about the intended
audience for the the article and how it will address issues surrounding technology in libraries? Please respond to with
the additional information requested.
You may also contact the editors at if you have
any additional questions. We look forward to hearing from you.
We hope to publish your article in issue <n> of the Journal, which is
scheduled to appear mid <Month YYYY>. The deadline for submission
of a complete draft is <Friday, <Month DD, YYYY>, but the sooner you
can get us a draft the better, and the more likely we'll be able to
get your article into issue <n>. Upon receipt of the draft, I will
articles we publish in the journal. We recommend that any included
code also have some type of code-specific open source license (such as
the GPL).Also please consider whether any of your images or screenshots require attributions. 
We look forward to seeing a complete draft and hope to include it in
We regret to inform you that your recent proposal to the Code4LibJournal for an article about <topic/title> has not been accepted forpublication. The Editorial Committee determined that it was not anappropriate match for the audience, mission, or scope of the Code4LibJournal. [optional - comment about why it's not appropriate]
For more information about the mission of the Code4Lib Journal, please see
Thanks for considering us, and please do not hesitate to contact theeditors at in the future with submit a new or revisedproposalin the future.
== Call-for-Editors ==
The Code4Lib Journal ( is looking for volunteers to join its editorial committee. Editorial committee members work collaboratively to produce the quarterly Code4Lib Journal. Editors are expected to:
* Read, discuss, and vote on incoming proposals.
* Volunteer to be the assigned editor or second reader for specific proposals.
** Assigned editors work with the author(s) to make sure the article is as strong as possible, that the copy is clean, and deadlines are met. They also enter the article into WordPress, making sure the formatting is okay, all images and tables look good, etc.
** Second readers act as a second set of eyes for the assigned editor.
* Read and comment on any other article that interests you.
* Volunteer for administrative tasks and projects as they crop up.
* Take a turn as Coordinating Editor for an Issue. The Coordinating Editor shepherds the issue through its life cycle.
We seek an individual who is self-motivated, organized and able to meet deadlines; is familiar with ideas and trends in the field; and has an interest in the mechanics of writing. There is a sometimes significant time commitment involved; expect to set aside ten or more hours a month.
It sounds like a lot of work, but it's also a lot of fun (if editing is your idea of fun).
Intrigued? Please send a letter of interest by xxxxxxxxxxxxx to Your letter should address these questions:
1) What is your vision for the Code4Lib Journal? Why are you interested in it?
2) What types of libraries have you worked with?
3) What are your areas of expertise and/or research?
4) How can you contribute to the Code4Lib Journal, i.e. what do you have to offer?
We encourage people who have previously applied and who are still interested to re-apply. We have had to turn down a lot of highly-qualified people in the past due to the large number of applications.
If you have any questions, contact us by email at or ask any member of the editorial committee (listed at We plan to make decisions about additional editors by XXXXXXXX.
[[Category: Code4Lib Journal]]