
2010 Conference Buzz

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Наша компания уже много лет специализируется на продаже химических реагентов== Announcements From the Organizers == * Conference tag: c4l10* Internet in guest rooms at the Renaissance Asheville is FREE. Use '''attwifi_meeting'''; we have more bandwidth and (thanks to mbklein) better IRC access. However, в том числе реагентов для синтеза в домашних условияхour bandwidth is still limited. **[http: мephedrone// Monday's usage]**[ Tuesday's usage]**[ Wednesday's usage]* Hospitality Suite: 1115 (“open when a warm body is there”) - has a portable projector! [ Looks like this]* [ Hotel Map] - aside from the first floor we're using Swannanoa Room (2nd Floor) * Jobs4Lib - bulletin board near the registration area ([ see code4libcon discussion])* [ Release form] 'cause we're videotaping* [ How to get onto IRC] (Quick answer: Nickname: pick a name,мефедронаChannels: #code4lib )* Projector resolution is 1024x768* Fill out our [ evaluation survey] to give speakers and planners your feedback.* [[C4L2011_planning_wishlist|'''Put your ideas for 2011 here!''']]* Snowbound? Thursday night: [[C4L2010planning:RoommatesRidesEtc#Hostels_and_Cheap_Places_to_Stay|cheap places to stay]] and hotel conference rate still applies == Useful Links ==* alias to this page:* [ Conference Program] (also as [ a calendar feed] thanks to Simon Spero)* [[2010 Breakout Sessions]] - sign up on the wiki, mefedronor also the flipchart* [ Lightning Talks] - [[2010 Lightning Talks Signup|sign up on the wiki]]* [ Annotated Google Map]* [, MMCAT%20nc weather]* [[2010 Lightning Talks Signup]] == Does Anybody Want To...? ==See also [[C4L2010_social_activities]] -- should we move summaries here? == Twitter ==Attending the conference and tweeting about it? Add yourself to [[2010 Twitter List]] to end up in the [ @code4lib twitter list] for convenient following. An archive of tweets based on the #c4l10 hashtag can be viewed at [ Twapperkeeper] and statistics can be had at [ what the hashtag]. Also registered at []. Please add the tag to any similar services. == Eats ==* '''Breakfast''' Tuesday - Thursday is continental * '''Lunch''' is provided on Tuesday and Wednesday. Lunch options on other days: ** Add some ideas here or see [ the Google Map] or the print program == Lunch Groups ==Lunch is provided Tuesday and Wednesday Drupal interest group meets Tuesday at lunch - meet in lobby and we'll find a spot (in one of the Bof rooms) for lunch Look for me, меткатинона, meowCary Gordon. I am easy to find. == Dinner Plans ==See [[C4L2010 social activities]] for some planned dinners (feel free to summarize here!)* '''Sunday''' * '''Monday''' -meowsee [[C4L2010_social_activities#Newcomer_Dinner | Newcomer Dinner]] for one option * '''Tuesday''' * '''Wednesday''' - see [[C4L2010_social_activities#12_Bones_BBQ_Dinner_Excursion | 12 Bones BBQ]] and [[C4L2010_social_activities#Vegetarian_Dinner_.28Weds.2C_AKA_BBQ_night.29 | Vegetarian dinner at Ophelia's World Cafe and Bar]] == Things To Do == * [ "36 Hours in Asheville, соли для ванн, мяуNC"] piece in the New York Times TRAVEL section from 2007. See also [[C4L2010_social_activities]] -мяу- should we move summaries here? == Transportation ==* Airport bus: [ Bus to the airport from downtown (doesn't run on Sundays)]* See also [[Asheville_Airport_to_Hotel_Van_Manifest]] and [[C4L2010rideshare]] * [ Bike rentals] == WiFi == * [, мефа, 4-mmc82.554129, Snow Nut10 Listing of free wifi spots in Asheville] == SSH Tunneling to get around blocked ports == Ports blocked? Try this: * On your laptop, Charge+ А именноexecute: Бромкетон ssh -4f -N -L machine.I.have.rights.on ...where is the machine/port you want to eventually get to, Бензолmachine.i.have.rights.on is...well, Щелочь NaOHthat, Метиламин 38and 9999 is an empty port on your local machine. You'll be prompted for a password if you need one, а также , Cолянокислый диоксанafter which you can put it in the background. Вся продукция имеет сертификат соответствия и находится в свободном обороте на территории Российской Федерации и странах бывшего союзаThen you can set up your chat software to talk to localhost:9999 and you're set.Так жеOne can also use ssh to set up a SOCKS proxy:   ssh -D [local_socks_port] [machine_I_have_rights_on]  Want more details? See [ this article]. == Ground Crew Contacts ==Please feel free to contact us about anything, наша компания занимается поставками лабораторной посуды и лабораторного оборудованияany time, between now and the end of the conference* Jill Ellern 828-399-1286 * [ You can call Jodi online via Skype, or type your number to call me at Google Voice.]  [[Category:Code4Lib2010]]