2023 Scholarship Documents/Buddy system
Email to scholarship recipients
Dear scholarship recipients,
We would like to ask each scholarship recipient if s/he needs a conference buddy. Your potential buddy who attended the Code4Lib conference(s) in the past could guide you to your questions about the conference and share their experiences at the conference(s). Especially, this would be a great opportunity for those who are first-time attendees of the conference. If you wish to have a buddy, please reply to this email so that the scholarship committee members connect you with a veteran conference attendee.
Sincerely, 2023 Scholarship Committee
Email to conference attendees
Dear Conference attendees,
The scholarship committee is currently seeking conference buddies for our scholarship recipients. To volunteer, please reply to code4libaward@gmail.com with “Conference Buddy 2023” in the subject line.
The goal of the conference buddy is to help the scholarship recipients to get the most experience out of the conference. The following are some suggestions:
- Contact and introduce yourself to the scholarship recipient before the conference
- Arrange to meet at the beginning of the conference (e.g. the first day of the conference)
- Introduce your buddy around at the reception
You don't have to be a multi-year attendee of the conference to become a buddy! Please consider volunteering if you attended the conference once (or know the community) in the past.
Sincerely, 2023 Scholarship Committee
Email to the bduddies
Hello (name) and (name),
The Scholarship Committee members are pleased to inform you that (name of the veteran) will be (name of the scholarship recipient) 's buddy at the 2023 Code4Lib Conference! Please feel free to contact your buddy to connect and share experiences or questions about the conference.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the committee. We are looking forward to seeing you in Princeton!
Sincerely, 2023 Scholarship Committee