User contributions
26 March 2014
9 December 2013
2014 preconference proposals
2014 preconference proposals
Fail4Lib 2014
2014 preconference proposals
Fail4Lib 2014
2014 preconference proposals
Intro to Blacklight
7 November 2013
2014 Prepared Talk Proposals
The Why and How of Very Large Displays in Libraries.
2014 Prepared Talk Proposals
The Why and How of Very Large Displays in Libraries.
2014 Prepared Talk Proposals
The Why and How of Very Large Displays in Libraries.
2014 Prepared Talk Proposals
no edit summary
14 June 2013
18 February 2013
13 February 2013
8 February 2013
5 February 2013
7 February 2012
4 February 2012
15 November 2011
2012 talks proposals
How people search the library from a single search box
2012 talks proposals
no edit summary