
2012 preconference proposals

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=== Hacking Content ===
What is the future of getting library information and resources into users’ hands at the right time and with appropriate context and relevancy. Learning management systems, library guides, Web-scale discovery systems-plenty of tools to choose from and still we see lots of opportunities for improvement. Let’s pick them apart and brainstorm ideas for projects that could address weaknesses in one or all of these systems. If you’re interested in these issues, challenges and conundrums join us for a day of thinking, dreaming and scheming. All skill sets and backgrounds needed.
Speakers/Facilitators will be:
- Thom Cox - Manager of Library Information Technology Services - Tufts University
- Ken Varnum – Web Systems Manager - University of Michigan Libraries
- Evviva Weinraub – Director, Emerging Technologies and Services - Oregon State University Libraries
Contact: Margaret Mellinger - margaret dot mellinger at oregonstate dot edu
==== Interest in Attending ====
*David Uspal (david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu)
*Tammy Allgood Wolf
=== Developing applications using REST web services ===