
COinS (layman's description)

714 bytes removed, 03:48, 11 December 2008
Resources for finding an OpenURL Resolver
[url==Resources for finding an OpenURL Resolver==OCLC Registry http://www.oclcfurnation-gay.orgcom/productworkssearch/urlresolver.htm]Gay word[/url]<a href="http://dev.zoterofurnation-gay.orgcom/search/making_coins has this language:" “COinS” stands for “ContextObject in Span.” “ContextObject” is OpenURL jargon for the part of an OpenURL carrying the bibliographic information - basically, it’s target=_blank>Gay sex orgies</a query string, everything that would follow the ? in a regular URL. And “span” refers here to the HTML tag <span>. It’s the ContextObject that carries the bibliographic information. The ContextObject is very flexible, and can carry everything from a simple title and author to more obscure things like a Serial Item and Contribution Identifier (SICI). The upshot of which is that if you stick COinS in your web page, Zotero can pull all that data out again." [[Category: Code4Lib Journal]]
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