
2009 Conference Buzz

114 bytes added, 12:57, 22 February 2009
Divine Providence
***Lincoln and Lovecraft at the John Hay Library. John Hay was Lincoln's Secretary of State and a Brown alum; give his nose a rub as generations of Brown students have. Currently some very nice Lincoln material is on exhibit on the main floor, and nine display cases of quirky Providence native son H. P. Lovecraft manuscripts and publications are in the Lownes Room. Check out the room devoted to toy soldiers (Anne S. K. Brown Military Collection, 3rd floor) and the Audubon elephant folio in the lobby.
***Brown University central campus. Enter through the Van Wickle gates (that open in for opening convocation, and open out for commencement.) University Hall, the "college edifice" housed French soldiers during the Revolutionary War. The Greek Temple next to it was the second building: a library of course! Now it houses an always-interesting selection of artifacts from the Haffenreffer Museum of Anthrolopology. Walk between these two buildings, and cross the main green. Head down the steps (notice Marcus Aurelius, copied from Rome). This green, Lincoln Field, was the original athletic field. (Aside: Brown was in--and lost--the first Rose Bowl game.) Pass through Soldiers Arch, memorializing Brown men and women who died in military service.
***Thayer Street. The 14-story concrete monolith (a much-maligned example of the brutalist style of the 1970's) is the Sciences Library. Nice view from the upper floors. You might want to visit our newish 24-hour Friedman Study Center on the lower level--hugely popular with students. Beyond it, to the north, are several blocks of restaurants and shops, Providence's mini-version of Harvard Square.
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