
One recommended tool/resource for n00bs

72 bytes added, 22:04, 6 November 2012
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Specifically for new coding librarians and library coders.
The whole thread of discussion is available at [ the C4L listserv archive].
*Code4Lib listserv, IRC, [ journal] (duh)
* A cheapie online webhosting account - like a $10 a month one - and multiple URLs. Multiple URLs will make them point a URL at a nameserver at least once ideally, and to understand that the two are separate and what you can do with domains and subdomains. The cheapie webhosting account will let them play with installing popular content management systems manually and with one-click installs. The most important thing is to break things and then rebuildthem. The worst possible thing would be to build a website, leave it up as their public face or personal website, and be nervous to wreck it so notchange notchange or play with different CMSes (another reason multiple URLs might psychologically be better - they encourage experimentation on one and theperson can make the other a static goal oriented publishing area).The more the cheapie hosting account experience I have, the more I knowwhat's cheap and easy to do, and the more I see very specific benefits to adedicated server. It makes me more intentional and able to better assessthe value of services vendors provide.That's more web4lib ish, but ultimately if someone experiments enough they have to get comfortable with php. Scripting is the gateway drug.
* Zen Coding, The idea is that it lets you use CSS-like selectors as tags that can be expanded into full HTML snippets.