
2013 breakout sessions reports

1,413 bytes added, 15:02, 14 February 2013
Wednesday, Feb.13, 2013
== Tuesday, Feb.12, 2013 ==
* CodeCraft - Writing better code - '''location: Room D''' [[2013_codecraft_breakout]]* Code4Lib Journal discussion of editorial process (open to anyone) - '''Main Room, front right corner''' [[2013_journal_breakout]]
* Tools for instruction: Guide on the Side, LMS integration, subject / course guides, etc. - '''Main Room, rear right corner''' Minutes: [[2013_instruction_breakout]]
* Marc4J, SolrMarc, and MARC -> Solr in general -- Next steps - '''Room E''' Minutes: [[2013_marc_breakout]]
* Building / Keeping relevant skills - How do you access training, develop skills, and keep current while still doing your day job - '''Room F'''Minutes: [[2013_breakout_remaining_relevant]]* Cupcakes4Lib -- A Pilgrimage - '''Registration Table''' -- We ate cupcakes. It was amazing. We felt that we chose the right break out session. Photos of the yumminess can be found here.
* relevance ranking and testing - '''Main room, left rear corner'''
* Fedora4Lib: Developer Challenge! ( - '''Main room, left front corner'''
* Nap4Lib: [ zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz]
== Wednesday, Feb.13, 2013 ==
* Group 42CORAL meetup: Are you using CORAL -- '''main room center back (by Francis' recording platform)''' [[2013_coral_meetup]]* Open Library: status, needs, and infogami as a platform for experimentation -- '''Room F''' [http:/Topic/ notes]* Group 43VuFind Update /TopicDiscussion -- '''main room front left''' []*etcProject Ride Sharing Board -- '''main room back left''' [[2013_project_rideshare_breakout]]* Use cases, relevancy, and usability -- '''Room D''' [ notes]* Lone technologists at small libraries -- '''Room E''' [[2013_breakout_sessions_reports]]* [ Archival Description Discovery Systems (EAD+beyond)] -- '''main room front right'''* BorrowDirect, CIC, other lending cooperatives using Relais and IndexData tools -- '''main room back right'''* Internally facing tools for institutional staff -- '''epic note fail, may be a while before I can recreate them (tshearerlib)'''