→Meetups and User Groups
* Perl Mongers http://www.pm.org/groups/
* Python Local User Groups http://wiki.python.org/moin/LocalUserGroups
** Look for user groups running an incarnation of the [http://bostonpythonworkshop.com/ Boston Python Workshop], a women-and-their-friends day-and-a-half introduction to Python which assumes no prior knowledge.
* R Users Group Meetups http://r-users-group.meetup.com/
* Drupal Groups http://groups.drupal.org/
* Ruby User Groups http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/community/user-groups/
** Look for groups running an incarnation of [http://workshops.railsbridge.org/ RailsBridge] (like Boston Python Workshop except it came first, and covers Ruby)
* Haskell User Groups http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/User_groups
* ColdFusion Meetups http://coldfusion.meetup.com/