link to poster PDF
===Nathan Ryckman, Jim Hahn, HOOT + ELF + FOLIO = Awesome Borrowing Experience for Consumer Electronics===
Poster PDF: https://osf.io/t6s5k/
This presentation is a report of developer experiences building new apps on the FOLIO platform. A development grant from the EBSCO FOLIO Innovation Challenge (https://www.ebsco.com/folio-innovation-challenge ) made it possible for a software prototyping team to allocate sustained time integrating custom technology loan apps into the platform. The custom circulation software includes the HOOT app: https://youtu.be/INuzXyv6O1A and the Equipment Loan Form--ELF: https://goo.gl/US5TfA . The overall design approach for this project is to support extensibility of meta-services.