

644 bytes added, 22:24, 27 November 2018
Code4lib North Meetups in Montreal
''* In development - keep an eye on this space for updates''
{| border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" class="wikitable"
Automatically updating holdings on vendor platform (Clara T.) ([[:File:ClaraTurp_Code4libNorth2018.pdf|Slides]]) ([ GitHub Repo]) 20
Lightning talks (Alan H. -; Kate D. - Accessibility Medley; Kim P. - code4libmap)
Driving towards conformance: A WCAG 2.0 (AA) road trip (Mark W., Mariana J., Aneta K.) 30
Data Carpentry (Greg W.) 5
| 13:30-14:00
| Explanable AI (XAI) & LIS (Mike R.) ([ Slides])
| Lightning Talks (Sign up throughout Thursday Thomas G., Library Carpentry; Paul C., Gatsby.js; Sarah S., Omeka-ahhh; David F., Users v. Complexity; Graham F., Research DBs & Friday AMERM)
| 14:00-15:00
==Code4lib North Meetups in Montreal==
'''Status''': Active
'''Purpose:''' To connect with other code4libbers in the area and start building a code4lib community in Montreal, Quebec. (blatantly copied from the Ottawa and Toronto groups)<br>
'''For more information:''' Please email Clara Turp ( for more information.
'''Slack Channel and Hashtag:''' #code4lib-mtl
'''Wiki page:''' [[Code4Lib_Montreal]] - check here for upcoming or past meeting information.
== Who's interested in Code4Lib North? ==