
Code4Lib 2020 Conference Committees

604 bytes added, 12:55, 9 March 2020
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= Code4Lib 2020 Conference Committees =
Hosting a conference is incredibly complex, and it cannot be done without the help of the entire community. If you are interested in being an awesome person and applying your skills to a particular part of the Code4Lib 2019 2020 conference, create an account on this wiki and sign-up for one or more of the groups below (please provide a contact). Each committee must have a Primary Contact (chair), Secondary Contact (co-chair), and Documentarian (secretary). The role of the Documentarian is to transcribe key information to future conference committees, such as timelines, costs, process, etc. Feel free to improve the summary statements for each of the committees. When adding your name, please indicate 'v' if you are a veteran on the committee so that we ensure committees are not made up entirely of newbies.
We will assign a local contact (LPC) to each committee.
* Location: '''[ The Westin Pittsburgh]''' Downtown, Pittsburgh, PA
* Dates: February 19 March 08 (pre-con) - 22, 20192020** Pre-conferences: February 19March 08, 20192020** Main meeting: February 20March 09-2211, 20192020
** Post conference activities: Coming Soon
This committee is charged with running the show such as overall timeline, budgeting, coordinating of locations and logistics, wrangler of committees, and communicating with the community.
* [ Eric PhetteplaceKen Rose], California College of the Arts Carnegie Mellon University - Chair, Primary Contact* [ Roy Jason Glenn], OCLC Carnegie Mellon University - Tertiary Contact* [ Mark MatienzoAnn Marie Mesco], Stanford Carnegie Mellon University - Tertiary Contact* [ Julia Corrin], Carnegie Mellon University - Tertiary Contact* [mailto:LusterD@stanfordCmoa.Org Dominique Luster], Carnegie Museum of Art - Tertiary Contact* [ Gesina Phillips], University of Pittsburgh - Tertiary Contact* [ Aaron CollierShannon Riffe], Stanford Carnegie Mellon University - Tertiary Contact* [ Rashid Siddiqui], Carnegie Mellon University - Tertiary Contact* [ Matthew Strauss], Heinz History Center - Tertiary Contact* [ Molly Tighe], Chatham University - Tertiary Contact* [ Tyrica Terry Kapral], University of Pittsburgh - Tertiary Contact* [ Angelina R Spotts], Carnegie Mellon University - Volunteer* [ Sarah Hicks], Duquesne University - Volunteer
== Website Working Group ==
This group will focus on content strategy (in collaboration with the Documentation Committee) and feature implementations for the conference website to improve the overall user experience for users (i.e., on-site and remote attendees, speakers, potential sponsors, post-conference users).
[[2019 2020 Website Working Group Documents|2019 2020 Website Working Group Documents]]
* [[User:KaitlinNewsonPhette23|Kaitlin NewsonEric Phetteplace]], Scholars Portal - Primary Contact aka Chair* [[User:WhitniWatkinsKaitlinNewson|Whitni WatkinsKaitlin Newson]], Analog Devices, Inc. (v) - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair (if you want to volunteer and you've not served on any Code4Lib committees before, let me know, I'll step aside) * [[Usermailto:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace] Ann Marie Mesco], California College of the Arts Carnegie Mellon University - Local Planning Contact* [ Kate Deibel], Syracuse University Libraries Your Name Here - Documentarian* Julia Caffrey (newbie) - Volunteer * [[User:Ranti|Ranti Junus]], Michigan State University (v) - Volunteer* [[User:jcoyneKellyHiser|Justin CoyneKelly Hiser]], Stanford (newbie) - Volunteer* [ Meng Qu] (newbie) - Volunteer* [[User:AshleyBrewerDerekz|Ashley BrewerDerek Zoladz]], Virginia Commonwealth University - Volunteer* Cody Whitby, Virginia Commonwealth University - Volunteer* Laura Chuang (newbie) - Volunteer
== Budget Committee ==
This group will focus on making sure we are appropriately planning for budgetary issues.
[[2019 2020 Budget and Sponsorship Documents|2019 2020 Budget and Sponsorship Documents]]
* [ Hank Sway] - Primary Contact AKA Chair(veteran of 2018)
* [ Galen Charlton] - Secondary Contact and Co-Chair (veteran of 2017 and 2018)
* Mark Matienzo [ Neelam Bharti] - Local Planning Contact
* [ Galen Charlton] - Documentarian (veteran of 2017 and 2018)
* [ Bethany Nowviskie] - ex officio, fiscal host (CLIR/DLF) * [ Cody Hennesy]- Volunteer (UC Berkeley)
== Sponsorship Committee ==
This group involves working with the LPC and budget committee to close any budget gaps and talking to potential sponsors to find the level that is right for them.
[[2019 2020 Budget and Sponsorship Documents|2019 2020 Budget and Sponsorship Documents]]
* [ Mark Matienzo], Stanford University Mary Jinglewski - Primary Contact aka Chair* [ Jeffrey Sabol], Long Beach City College Scott Carlson - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair* [ Nicole Johnson] Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact * [ Diana Cossio]Janna Avon - Documentarian * [ Mike Pricecom Galen Charlton] - Volunteer (Cal Poly)* [ Sarah Greenedu Andrea Schurr] - Volunteer* [ Camille Mathieu], JPL Library Your Name Here - Volunteer* [ Annapurni Subramaniam], Purdue Your Name Here - Volunteer
== Keynote Committee ==
This group will: gather nominations from Code4Lib community; contact nominees to confirm their willingness and availability; collect bios from the available nominees and add them to the Diebold-o-Tron; support the voting process; work with the community's top nominees to schedule their keynotes; and collaborate with other committees and the community to ensure everything is communicated appropriately and logistical matters are given suitable attention.
[[2019 2020 Keynote Documents|2019 2020 Keynote Documents]]
* [ Andrew MancusoOrg Dominique Luster] , Carnegie Museum of Art - Primary Contact aka Chair* [ Peggy Griesingeredu Wladimir Labeikovsky] , University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair(newbie)* [[Usermailto:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace] Sarah Hicks] , Duquesne University - Local Planning Contact * [ Lisa ConradStephanie Becker] , Case Western Reserve University - Documentarian* [ Elizabeth Henryedu Annapurni Subramaniam] ,Purdue University - Volunteer* [ Clara Turp] , McGill University - Volunteer* [ Charlie HarperEmma Slayton] , Carnegie Mellon University - Volunteer
== Pre-conference Committee ==
This committee plans the pre-conference day. It keeps strong lines of communications open with the Program Committee. It also helps shepherd events on the day itself.
[[2019 2020 Pre-conference Documents|2019 2020 Pre-conference Documents]]
* [ Ben FlorinJason Glenn] - Primary Contact aka Chair* [ Roy Ann Marie Mesco] - Local Planning Contact * Your Name Here [ Angelina R Spotts] - Documentarian* [ Lydia Zvyagintsevaedu Tod Olson] (v) - Volunteer* [ Tod OlsonMike Taylor] - Volunteer* [ Kathleen Haley] (v) - Volunteer* [[Usermailto:Kimpham54|Kim Pham] Jamen McGranahan] (new) - Volunteer
== Program Committee ==
This committee plans the structure of the program, arranges the voting on presentations, etc. This includes soliciting regular talks. These folks will also manage the flow of the program at the conference -- introducing speakers or soliciting other volunteers to MC. Committee membership will be capped at 10 members.
[[2019 2020 Program Documents|2019 2020 Program Documents]]
* [[User:highermath|Cary Gordon]], Cherry Hill Company Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Chair * [httpmailto:// Roy TennantGesina Phillips] University of Pittsburgh - Local Planning Contact * [httpsmailto:// Drecom Lilly Ho] - Volunteer* [ Craig Boman] - Volunteer* [ Arty (Cynthia Ng)Dre] - Volunteer
* [ Matt Sherman] - Volunteer
* [ Craig Boman] - Volunteer* [[User:DanielDraperhighermath|Dan DraperCary Gordon]] , Cherry Hill Company - Volunteer* [https[User:// Bill HelmanRichardHiggins|Richard Higgins]] , Indiana University - Volunteer
== Scholarship Committee ==
This committee works with funding institutions to arrange the scholarships offered. They solicit submissions and select winners of the scholarship(s). They also work with the winners to plan their travel and arrangements.
[[2019 2020 Scholarship Documents|2019 2020 Scholarship Documents]]
* [ Elvia Arroyo-Ramirez - UC Irvine] Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Co-Chair* [ Mairelys Lemus-Rojas - IUPUI] Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Co-Chair * [ Eric Phetteplace] Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact * [ Rachel Mandell] Your Name Here - Documentarian * [ Alyssa V. Loera Mairelys Lemus- Cal Poly PomonaRojas] - (Volunteer)* [ Yoo Young Lee - uOttawa] - Volunteer* Your Name Here - (Volunteer)
== T-Shirt Committee ==
This committee organizes the t-shirt contest, collecting submissions, and putting out the call for votes. This committee is also responsible for helping the local planning committee identify a vendor that will fit within the budget constraints for the conference. User sizes and preferences will be obtained as part of the registration process.
[[2019 2020 T-Shirt Documents|2019 2020 T-Shirt Documents]]
* [ Emily Wahl] Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Chair* Your Name Here [ Tim Fluhr] Illinois Institute of Technology - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair* [ Mark MatienzoRashid Siddiqui] Carnegie Mellon University - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* Your Name Here [ Mikala Narlock] University of Notre Dame - Volunteer
== Onsite Volunteer Committee ==
This committee wrangles people to volunteer for the following duties:
'''Looking for opportunities to help out at the conference? See [[2019 2020 Conference Volunteers]]'''
[[2019 2020 Onsite Volunteer Documents|2019 2020 Onsite Volunteer Documents]]
* [mailto[ Kim PhamNatashaAllen|Natasha Allen]] U Denver - Primary Contact aka (Co-)Chair
* Your Name Here - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* [ Jennifer Cummings] & [ Kathy Azevedo] - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* [ Hardy PottingerKatie Behrman] UCLA Library - Volunteer* [ Tammy Wolforg Rich Loomis] Arizona St. , Somerset County Library System of New Jersey - Volunteer
== Social Activities Committee ==
[ Social Activities Documents (Members Only)]
Conference goers - The page you are looking for is at coming soon... [[2019 2020 Social Activities]]
* Becky Yoose [mailto:LusterD@Cmoa.Org Dominique Luster], Carnegie Museum of Art - Primary (or secondary if there's someone who wants to step up this year!) Contact aka Co-Chair* [[User:NatashaAllen Natasha AllenYoosebj|Becky Yoose]] - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair* [ Aaron Collier] Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact* Meredith Broadway , Vanderbilt University - Documentarian* Ann S[mailto:eslayton@andrew. Emma Slayton], Carnegie Mellon University - Volunteer* [ Katie Behrman], Carnegie Mellon University - Volunteer
== Streaming Video Committee ==
With the local program committee(as appropriate), organize the streaming and archiving of presentations at the conference. This could include securing A/V equipment, working with the conference venue w/r/t AV needs, choosing streaming and archiving providers, post-production editing and posting of videos, securing speaker releases for recording talks (?), and, of course, actually running the camera during the conference.
[[2019 2020 Streaming Video Documents|2019 2020 Streaming Video Documents]]
* Your Name Here [ Peter Murray] - Chair(note: what Cary doesn't have, I have.... ;-) )
* [ Roy Tennant] - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* [ Jennifer Cummings] - Local Planning Contact
* [ Li Fu], U.S. Naval Academy - Volunteer
== Code4Lib 2020 2021 Host Voting Committee ==
This committee organizes the call for hosts for the next annual code4lib conference as well as the voting process.
[[2020 2021 Host Voting Documents|2020 2021 Host Voting Documents]]
* [[User:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace]] Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Chair
* Your Name Here - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* Roy Tennant Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* [ Lilly HS HO] Your Name Here - Volunteer
== Book Giveaway Committee ==
This committee solicits free copies of books from various publishers or free keys/copies of programs from various companies (for example, free private repo from Github or license for oXygen). They also handle the raffle at the conference (with a randomizer to do the drawing of names).
[[2019 2020 Book Giveaway Documents|2019 2020 Book Giveaway Documents]]
* Your Name Here [[User:JulieSwierczek|Julie C. Swierczek]] - Primary Contact aka Chair
* Your Name Here - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* Your Name Here [[User:Hardyoyo|Hardy Pottinger]] - Volunteer
== IRC and Slack Committee ==
Coordinate with freenode to ensure that the #code4lib IRC & Slack channels can handle the extra traffic during the conference. Also responsible for recruiting and advertising IRC helpers at the conference.
[[2019 2020 IRC and Slack Documents|2019 2020 IRC and Slack Documents]]
* Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Chair
* Your Name Here - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* [[User:Anarchivist|Mark A. Matienzo]] Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* [[User:JieChen|Jie Chen]], Univ. of WI-Milwaukee Libraries Your Name Here - Volunteer
== Accessibility Committee ==
Document and address major points of the conference that are not accessible for conference attendees (physical and virtual).
[[2019 2020 Accessibility Documents|2019 2020 Accessibility Documents]]
* [ Kate Deibel] Your Name Here - Primary Contact aka Chair* [ Jenn Dandle] Your Name Here - Documentarian* [[User:Phette23|Eric Phetteplace]] Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact* [ Bill Helman] Your Name Here - Volunteer
* Your Name Here - Volunteer
Not a committee per se. This is a list of people who are willing to help the above committees with various tasks.
[[2019 2020 Whatever Documents|2019 2020 Whatever Documents]]
* [ Rebecca Holloway] - Primary Contact aka Chair
* Your Name Here [ Lesley Dobin] (newbie) - Secondary Contact aka Co-Chair
* Your Name Here - Local Planning Contact
* Your Name Here - Documentarian
* Your Name Here - Volunteer