
2022 Keynote Speakers Nominations

3 bytes removed, 22:09, 29 November 2021
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(I have her email address from non-public sources, so I'm not going to put it on the wiki, but I can reach out to her. --andromeda)
==Diego Pino Navarro, Diego==
Archipelago is an open source repository system developed and supported by the Metropolitan New York Library Council (METRO). Conceived 3 years ago as a response to our communities’ need (New York State) to lower the technological barriers of using and maintaining such systems and our experience maintaining and developing other open source repositories, Archipelago has come a long way, from a simple idea to many successful implementations. An extensive, thoughtful planning process turned into a formal roadmap that guided the development of a novel paradigm, coded with care for and supported by a diverse community. This presentation is about multi-sided Openness, a tale of rethinking our historical notions of what domain driven systems are in our shared professional realms, of stepping back, of giving users the tools for building on their own practices, of removing ourselves (developers) from imposing preconceived shapes data and media should have. In an evolving and constantly shifting domain, we provide means that support local, identity-driven workflows, enabling exploration and iterative actions leading to making knowledge more open, for human and machine consumption.
==Adrian Roselli==