
created page and linked a spreadsheet
[[2025_Scholarship_Documents|2025 Scholarship Committee Documents]]

The 2025 Scholarship Committee disseminated the call for applications to at least the following outlets/groups, using the list and [ linked spreadsheet]:

* CODE4LIB list
* Asian Pacific American Librarians Association (APALA)
* We Here
* Black Caucus of the American Library Association
* Bibliotecas para la Gente
* Joint Council of Librarians of Color
* American Indian Library Association
* Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Round Table of ALA
* ALA New Members Round Table
* Library Information Technology Association
* ALA Think Tank
* University of Illinois iSchool Alumni Connections
* St. John's University Division of Library & Information Science alumni group
* Library Leadership & Management Association (LLAMA) New Professional Section
* I Need A Library Job
* Association of College & Research Libraries (ACRL) College Libraries Section
* ALA Learning Roundtable
* California Libraries
* DIAL-CARL (Diversity In Academic Libraries - California Academic & Research Libraries)
* Library Employee Support Network
* Ethnic and Multicultural Information Exchange Round Table (EMIERT)
* University of Illinois iSchool Students of Color
* ACRL Residency Interest Group
* LLAMA Diversity Officers Discussion Group
* APALA mentoring channels
* LLAMA mentoring channels
* ALCTS mentoring program
* New York's Libraries Information Network (NYLINE)
* Digital Cultural Heritage DC Meetup
* DLF-ANNOUNCE (Digital Library Federation)
* DPLA Hubs (Digital Public Library of America)
* Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media
* University of Maryland iSchool
* Society of American Archivists (SAA) Students and New Archivists Roundtable
* National Digital Stewardship Alliance
* SAA Archivists and Archives of Color Section
* Hear Me Code
* dh+lib
* ACRL Digital Humanities SIG
* Women Who Code DC
* Black Girls Code
* Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
* Hack Library School
* University of Maryland Division of Student Affairs
* California Library Information eXchange
* California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group - South