
Citation Style Language

1,157 bytes added, 12:43, 28 April 2010
Embedding CSL records in twitter annotations
The CSL input format is also JSON but you need to specify a root element and how to deal with multiple references.This is how an annotation could look like: <pre> { "cslrecords" : { "ITEM-2" : { "author": [ { "family": "Bennett", "given": "Frank G.", "suffix": "Jr.", "static-ordering": false } ], "title":"Getting Property Right: \"Informal\" Mortgages in the Japanese Courts", "container-title":"Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal", "volume": "18", "page": "463-509", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [2009, 8] ] }, "type": "article-journal" }}</pre> But you could also wrap the single records in a way to easily add more non-CSL data to it:  <pre>{ "bibrecords": "ITEM-2" : { "csl" : { "author": [ { "family": "Bennett", "given": "Frank G.", "suffix": "Jr.", "static-ordering": false } ], "title":"Getting Property Right: \"Informal\" Mortgages in the Japanese Courts", "container-title":"Pacific Rim Law & Policy Journal", "volume": "18", "page": "463-509", "issued": { "date-parts": [ [2009, 8] ] }, "type": "article-journal" }, "identifier" [ "urn:issn:1066-8632", "", "bibkey:18561d99b88967f176f0e4ab63d230c0e" ] }}</pre>
== References ==