

1,091 bytes added, 20:52, 5 January 2011
Conference Packet
Dec 1 – Draft schedule posted for comment (no titles – just placeholders for 22ish talks)
Dec 1 6 – Reminder, Registration opens Dec 2
Dec 2 13 – Registration opens
Dec 2 13 – Post when registration opens
Dec 2 14 – Share waitlist & preconf count info???
Dec 7—Registration 22 —Registration deadline for presenter-reserved spots
Jan 5 Dec 6 – Scholarship deadline
Jan 5 – ask code4libcon to set requirements for 2011 hosting proposals
==Other things to be done?==
===Conference Packet===
Create in PDF, hopefully Julie will be able to print and have them put together in her office.
If we are getting them from Visitor's Bureau, Libraries, etc., get 250.
'''Deadline: January 19'''
* Printout of schedule (Julie W?)
* Instructions on connecting to wireless (including username/password if required) - hand out at registration, rather than placing in packets, as people staying in the hotel will get credentials upon check-in (all for IU-Guest)
* Map of campus (Julie W?)
* Map of the Union (Julie W?)
* List of bars/restaurants, including a map with best ones circled (The Convention and Visitors Bureau will likely have city maps) '''Julie and Mike'''
* Information from various:
** IU Libraries '''Diane'''
** Art museum? (reception will be here) '''Diane'''
** Town stuff '''Mary'''
** Vendor handouts '''Robert, Diane'''
* Walking tour of the Old Crescent; there is some fun stuff to see (like the gargoyles) (handout from Visitor's Center?) '''Mary'''
* Information about transportation, including campus and city buses and taxis '''Diane'''
==Random stuff==
Anonymous user