
Code4Lib Journal WordPress Input Guidelines

138 bytes added, 23:55, 5 March 2008
added notes from Tom Keays about syntax highlighting
=====Code Highlighting=====
If the code is in a supported language, we can do syntax highlighting.  ibiblio has a PHPS extensionm, so if you an "s" on the end of .php files, e.g., <filename>.phpsit does syntax highlighting for you. We're still deciding if we like the syntax highlighting, don't feel compelled to make it work if it's not working for you (but please let other editors know what your experience is). To make this work, you still wrap your code in <code>&lt;pre&gt;</code> tags. Inside of the <code>&lt;pre&gt;</code> tags, but around your code, include
[sourcecode language='langcode']...[/sourcecode]