
2012 preconference proposals

14,026 bytes added, 19:45, 27 May 2016
Interest in Attending
=Proposals for 2012 Code4LibCon Preconferences=
Proposals will close closed Sunday, November 20 , 2011, so we can finalize the list and add them to registration!(The deadline for preconference proposals has passed.)
Spaces available: main meeting room (max 275) + 5 breakout rooms (max 30-50).
==Full Day==
=== Hackfest ===
Like the hackfests at Access, let's get together and do something. An informal gathering of developers, librarians, and variants in-between. Got code or an idea? Bring it and have others help you at the Hackfest where anything and everything goes!
Bring a laptop or portable device, coffee or beverage of choice and we'll spend a day bodging, tinkering, tweaking, coding, chatting, and having fun. We'll spawn clusters around proposals at the start and then everyone can break off. Reports / presentations / demos at code4lib greatly encouraged but not mandatory.
Links to sign up and submit proposals coming soon.=== Developing applications using REST web services ===
Farmer Been hearing about web services but don’t know where to start to build something? Have you built applications that use read services but are stumped by OAuth, Content Negotiation and Ranch-hand: Jason FowlerHTTP Headers? Come dig in and learn how to build applications that interact with both read and write REST services. We’ll cover the basic principles and practices of REST services and discuss the Atom Publishing Protocol as a REST service and its extensibility. The group will examine and test the CouchDB HTTP API by building a simple list creation tool. You’ll learn how OCLC’s platform web services leverage Atom to expose the data and business processes from OCLC’s library systems. By the end of the session, UBC Library Systemsyou’ll know the basic principles of REST services, jason dot fowler at ubc dot cabe able to perform Create, Read, Update and Delete operations via REST and be able to authenticate to REST services via API keys and OAuth.
Come ready to learn and code!
=== Hacking Content ===Presenter: Karen Coombs - coombsk at oclc dot org
What is the future of getting library information and resources into users’ hands at the right time and with appropriate context and relevancy. Learning management systems, library guides, Web-scale discovery systems-plenty of tools to choose from and still we see lots of opportunities for improvement. Let’s pick them apart and brainstorm ideas for projects that could address weaknesses in one or all of these systems. If you’re interested in these issues, challenges and conundrums join us for a day of thinking, dreaming and scheming. All skill sets and backgrounds needed. Room: East Room
Speakers/Facilitators will be: - Thom Cox - Manager of Library Information Technology Services - Tufts University - Ken Varnum – Web Systems Manager - University of Michigan Libraries - Evviva Weinraub – Director, Emerging Technologies and Services - Oregon State University Libraries ==== Interest in Attending ====
Contact: Margaret Mellinger - margaret *Sam Kome*Ray Schwartz (*Jim Robinson*David Bucknum*Jean Rainwater*Joshua Gomez*Andy Kohler*Michael North* Tom Keays (keaysht at lemoyne dot mellinger edu)*Charlie Morris*Michael Lindsey* Kåre Fiedler Christiansen (morning only)* Jørn Thøgersen* Michael Poltorak Nielsen* Dre* Timothy Clarke (* Keith Folsom* Rebecca Jones* Michael Doran (* Ray Henry (ray dot henry at oregonstate pcc dot edu)* Bohyun Kim* Matt Connolly* Cynthia Ng* Justin Littman* Sibyl Schaefer* Ron Peterson (* Tim Lepczyk* Joe Montibello* Mao Tsunekawa (tsunekaw at* Ryuuji Yoshimoto (ryuuji at* Masae Fujita (mfujita at
==Half Day Morning==
=== [[2012 Linkfest Preconference|Linkfest]] ===
We've had talks and sessions galore about Linked Data at code4lib in past years. Let's focus on linking. Bring data you want to publish and link to or link from and your ideas about new ways we can push data linking into being part of our regular approach to how we put our libraries' content and services on the web. At the start of the session we'll run a quick poll to see who wants to link to what and how, and we'll pair or group up and get to work from there. May a kajillion links bloom!
Organizer type person: Dan Chudnov, GWU Libraries, @dchud or dchud at gwu edu
Room: Municipal Room
==== Interest in Attending ====
* Becky Yoose
* Tom Johnson
* Ed Summers
* bernardo gomez ( bgomez at emory dot edu )
* William Gunn
* Jason Ronallo
* Keri Thompson
* David Lacy
* Corey A Harper
* Matt Phillips (
* Declan Fleming
* Shaun Ellis (
* Wendy Robertson
* Joel Richard (richardjm AT si DOT edu)
* Devon Smith
* Scott Hanrath (shanrath AT ku DOT edu)
* Jason Stirnaman (jstirnaman AT kumc DOT edu)
* Sean Chen
* Laura Smart
* Tommy Ingulfsen
* Mark Mounts (
* Kate Zwaard
* Cindy Harper
* Jon Stroop
* Tim Shearer (tshearer at email dot unc dot edu)
=== What's New in Solr ===
UPDATE: Erik won't be making it to Seattle, but will tune in and call in as desired to that time slot. Discuss Solr!!! I'll be lurking and helping out however I can.
This session will bring folks up to speed on the latest developments in Lucene and Solr. There's always a lot of new capabilities as well as tips and tricks on using Solr in clever and powerful ways.
Presenter: Erik Hatcher - erik . hatcher @ lucidimagination dot com(remotely calling in and/or via IRC)
Room: Federal Room
==== Interest in Attending ====
* "Gabriel Farrell" <>
* "Erik Hetzner" <erik.hetzner AT ucop BORK edu>
* "Michael B. Klein" <mbklein@gmail>
* Demian Katz (demian DOT katz AT villanova DOT edu)
* Anoop Atre ~ anoop.atre AT mnsu . edu
* David Isaak <>
* John Pillans <>
* John Wynstra (
* mark a. matienzo (mark at matienzo dot oh are gee)
* Sepehr Mavedati (sepehr DOT mavedati AT utoronto DOT ca)
* Mads Villadsen
* Jonathan Rochkind
* Shahin Sahebi (shahin.ezzatsahebi at utoronto dot ca)
* Naomi Dushay (ndushay at stanford dot edu)
* Jeremy Nelson
* Kirk Hess <>
* Gary Thompson
* Larry Baerveldt <>
* Dennis Schafroth <dennis @>
* Bobbi Fox <bobbi_fox at harvard dot edu>
* Ed Fugikawa <ed at coalliance dot org>
* Eric James <eric dot james at yale dot edu>
* Robert Haschart <rh9ec at virginia dot edu>
* Ted Lawless
=== Knocking Down Silos: Tools and Approaches for Simplifying Discovery ===
What strategies have you used to merge silos to give users a more streamlined search experience? How are libraries using tools like Drupal, Islandora, Dublin Core, Solr and Blacklight to make article, catalog and/or repository content discoverable via a single interface? If you’re interested in these issues, challenges and conundrums join us for a morning of thinking, dreaming and scheming.
Speakers/Facilitators will be:
- Thom Cox - Manager of Library Information Technology Services - Tufts University
- Ken Varnum – Web Systems Manager - University of Michigan Libraries
- Stephen Westman – Analyst Programmer, Emerging Technologies and Services - Oregon State University Libraries
Contact: Margaret Mellinger - margaret dot mellinger at oregonstate dot edu
Room: Salon A
==== Interest in Attending ====
* David Uspal (david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu)
* Tammy Allgood Wolf
* Wayne Schneider
* Laney McGlohon
* "Kevin S. Clarke" <ksclarke@gmail>
*Kevin Reiss (kr2 AT princeton DOT edu)
* Dan Brubaker Horst (dan.brubaker.horst AT
==Half Day Afternoon==
=== Git -r done ===
A session to cover all things Git, everyone's favourite favorite distributed version control system. This session should cover a little bit of the history of Git, how it works, and how it's different than other version controls systems like SVN. Practical application should also be covered, including how to clone existing repos and contribute code back to them, how to host your own repository, and best practices for setting up a distributed network.
Looking for attendees with real-life Git experience to share it, so we can all broaden our understanding of possible use-cases and nifty advanced features.
Coordinator: <del>Ian Walls, ByWater Solutions, @sekjal or ian.walls at bywatersolutions com</del> Coordinator Stand-In: Michael B. Klein, Stanford University Libraries, @mbklein or mbklein at Helper: Cary Gordon, Cherry Hill Company, @highermath / Room: Superior Room==== Interest in Attending ==== * Patrick Berry (* Chris Sharp (* Matt Critchlow (* Peter Murray (* Margaret Heller (* Kevin S. Clarke (ksclarke@gmail)* Michael B. Klein (mbklein@gmail)* Demian Katz (demian DOT katz AT villanova DOT edu)* Benjamin Shum (* Sibyl Schaefer (sschaefer at rockarch dot org)* Tammy Allgood Wolf (* Chad Nelson (cnelson17 AT gsu DOT edu)* Lisa Kurt (* Matt Phillips (* Dileshni Jayasinghe (* John Wynstra (* Declan Fleming* Shaun Ellis (* Mads Villadsen* Kåre Fiedler Christiansen* Shahin Sahebi (* Devon Smith* Jeremy Nelson* Charlie Collett* Gary Thompson* Brian McBride (brian.mcbride at* Jacob Reed (jacob.reed at* Bohyun Kim ( at* Larry Baerveldt <>* Wayne Schneider* Matt Connolly* ernesto valencia* Ed Fugikawa <ed at coalliance dot org>* Andrea Schurr (Andrea-Schurr at utc dot edu)* David Uspal (david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu)* Kate Zwaard* Kevin Reiss (kr2 AT princeton DOT edu)* Jon Stroop ==== Resources ==== * Introduction to Git by Scott Chacon (video):* Git Immersion (great tutorial):* Git Magic (from basics to advanced topics):* Git Community Book:* Git Ready (tutorials, recipes, and topics):* Git Rebase Workflow, explained:* Interactive Git Cheat Sheet:* Linus Torvalds on Git (Google Tech Talk):* Successful Git Branching Model: === Blacklight === This session will be walk-through of the architecture of Blacklight and what we have been improving since the rails 3 upgrade. In addition to the architecture of the software, we will also briefly discuss the architecture of the Blacklight community and what has made it successful so far. For part of the session we will install Blacklight live and get it up and running. This install demo will include a How-To on basic customizations in Blacklight using a test-driven approach (one of the cornerstones of the Blacklight community). For more information about Blacklight see our wiki ( ) and our GitHub repo ( ). We will also send out some brief instructions beforehand for those that would like to setup their environments to follow along and get Blacklight up and running on their local machines. Installation screencast: Presenters: Jessie Keck, Stanford University - jkeck at stanford dot edu | Molly Pickral, University of Virginia - mpc3c at virginia dot edu Room: Municipal Room ==== Interest in Attending ====* bernardo gomez ( bgomez at emory dot edu )* Mark Mounts <>* Sibyl Schaefer (* John Pillans (* Mang Sun ( sun at rice dot edu)* Emily Lynema (emily_lynema at ncsu dot edu)* mark a. matienzo (mark at matienzo dot oh are gee)* Daniel Lovins (daniel dot lovins at nyu dot edu)* Jonathan Rochkind* Keith Folsom* Kirk Hess <>* Jason Stirnaman (jstirnaman AT kumc DOT edu)* David Drexler <>* Mike Giarlo (michael at* Scott Fisher* Ryuuji Yoshimoto (ryuuji at* Joe Montibello (* Mao Tsunekawa (tsunekaw at* Mark Baggett (mbagget1 at === DACS and EAD Overview === This session will look at what DACS (Describing Archives: a Content Standard) is and describe the ten required elements. Then there will be an overview of what EAD is, how it works, and the required elements. The final part will be a practice session on taking a paper finding aid and coding it using DACS and EAD. Presenter: Doris Munson, Eastern Washington University, dmunson at ewu dot edu(please feel free to contact me if you are interested in being a co-presenter) Room: Hospitality Suite ==== Interest in Attending ====* Francis Kayiwa ( kayiwa@ YouEyeSee dot edu )* Carmen Mitchell (carmenmitchell at gmail dot com)* Cindy Harper (charper at colgate dot edu) ==== Links ====*[ SAA Standards Portal]*[ LoC EAD website]*[ Social Networks and Archival Context (SNAC) project] ([ Prototype])*[ EAC-CPF Website] === [[Digging into metadata: context, code, and collaboration]] === Working with library/archival metadata is difficult. This preconference will tackle pressing questions and will show some of the intricacies of metadata (including AACR2/MARC) with exercises to demonstrate why inconsistencies exist in the data. What steps can the cataloging & metadata community take to help improve the quality of this data? What tools & techniques could help? Rules have evolved over time leaving dirty legacy data. Systems have impacted--and will continue to impact--data structure & design. How can this data be aggregated and refined for use in a new emerging data environments? What assumptions can safely be made and when do you need to inquire about local practice? We will end with a hack-fest where you can ask questions of experienced catalogers and get help with your metadata related problems. Bring your laptops and data.  Person Herder: Becky Yoose, Grinnell College, yoosebec at grinnell dot edu Collaborators/Facilitators: Corey Harper, New York University - corey dot harper at nyu dot edu | Shana L. McDanold, University of Pennsylvania - mcdanold at pobox dot upenn dot edu | Laura Smart, Caltech - laura at library dot caltech dot edu Room: Salon A ==== Interest in Attending ====* Peter Green (* David Isaak (* Alex Rolfe (* mark a. matienzo (mark at matienzo dot oh are gee)* Sarah Johnston (* Derek Merleaux (derek@merleaux d0t net)* Adam Wead (awead {at} rockhall d.t 0 R G)* Tania Fersenheim (tania dot fersenheim at gmail) (I'm only a maybe because I may have a conflict in this time slot)* Robin Dean (robin at coalliance dot org)* Takanori Hayashi (tzhaya at affrc dot go dot jp)* Paul Deschner (deschner at law dot harvard dot edu) === "Geo" ===This session will explore, we hope collaboratively, the presentation of objects on maps. There will be a section on workflow, a section on discovering objects via "geobrowse," a section discovery of objects via "geosearch," and an exploration of the discovery and presentation of geo-referenced images (e.g. historic maps). There will be open discussion on other approaches to map-based discovery. Emphasis will be placed on simplicity of workflow and implementation. Technologies include: Atom, Django, Solr, and OpenLayers.  Presenters: Mike Graves, UNC Chapel Hill, gravm at email dot unc dot edu; Tim Shearer, UNC Chapel Hill, tshearer at email dot unc dot edu Room: Federal Room ==== Slides ====Tim's [ Slides] ==== Interest in Attending ====* "Gabriel Farrell" <>* Anoop Atre ~ anoop.atre AT mnsu . edu* Chad Nelson (cnelson17 AT gsu DOT edu)* Jason Casden (jmcasden AT ncsu DOT edu* Dileshni Jayasinghe (* Sepehr Mavedati (sepehr DOT mavedati AT utoronto DOT ca)* Michael Poltorak Nielsen* Wendy Robertson* Joel Richard (richardjm AT si DOT edu)* Jonathan Rochkind* Naomi Dushay (ndushay at stanford dot edu)* Scott Hanrath (shanrath AT ku DOT edu)* Aaron Collier (acollier AT csufresno DOT edu)* David Lacy (david DOT lacy AT villanova DOT edu)* Jen Weintraub (jweintraub AT library dot ucla dot edu)* Sean Chen* Bobbi Fox (bobbi_fox AT harvard dot edu)* Eric James (eric dot james at yale dot edu)* Ted Lawless* Dan Brubaker Horst (dan.brubaker.horst AT* Masae Fujita (mfujita at == Half-day Evening == === Microsoft Campus Visit ===Join us for a trip across Lake Washington to Microsoft Headquarters. Bus will depart from the conference hotel at 4:15pm on Monday. We will visit the Microsoft Home, the Envisioning Lab, and/or the MS Library. The we'll head over to Microsoft Research for drinks and appetizers, and you'll see some great demos of some cool new (and free!) technologies coming out of MSR. Bus will get back to hotel by 9:00pm, plenty of time to hit a pub. You'll learn about: 1. Layerscape -[] 2. ChronoZoom - [] 3. F# - [] 4. Microsoft Academic Search - [] 5. Microsoft Audio Visual Indexing System - []  Space is limited, so reserve your seat today Email Alex at the address below.  Coordinator: Alex Wade, Microsoft Research, awade at microsoft dot com  Presenters: Behrooz Chitsaz; Rob Fatland; Christophe Poulain; Michael Zyskowski  ==== Interest in Attending (Registration closed! We are now at capacity.) ====* Declan Fleming* Matt Critchlow* Tom Keays (keaysht at lemoyne dot edu)* mark a. matienzo (mark at matienzo dot oh are gee)* Mark Mounts <>* Kyle Banerjee <>* Evviva Weinraub* Emily Lynema <emily_lynema at ncsu dot edu>* Jason Casden <jmcasden AT ncsu DOT edu>* Daniel Lovins <>* Cynthia Ng* "Gabriel Farrell" <>* Shaun Ellis (shaune AT princeton DOT edu)* Derek Merleaux (derek@merleaux d0t net)* Mads Villadsen* Kåre Fiedler Christiansen* Jørn Thøgersen* Michael Poltorak Nielsen* Dileshni Jayasinghe* Matt Phillips (* Wendy Robertson* Shahin Sahebi* Matt Connolly <mjc12 AT cornell dot edu>* Jeremy Nelson* Naomi Dushay (ndushay at stanford dot edu)* Dre* Ken Varnum (varnum umich edu)* David Uspal (david DOT uspal AT villanova DOT edu)* REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
[[Category: Code4Lib2012]]