
Umlaut Setup

84 bytes added, 17:49, 10 May 2008
5. Set up your Institutions and Services
What functions your Umlaut installation will have will depend on which services you configure. Services are configured in $Umlaut/config/umlaut_config/services.yml . An individual user connects with given services by association to Institutions. Each Institution has a collection of services, and an individual user is associated with one more institutions.
To begin with, you could define just one default institution (that all users will be associated with) in institutions.yml, and give it a few services. To start out with, perhaps just configure an SFX service pointing to your SFX installation. Comment out the others. As you know a service is working, you can add in another.
After editing the institutions.yml file, it needs to be synced with the db, as some institution information is stored in the db. Umlaut should check on startup if timestamp of institutions.yml requires a resync and do it automatially, but if you want to do it manually you can run cd into the $UMLAUT directory and run: