
2012 talks proposals

804 bytes added, 22:12, 18 November 2011
In-browser data storage and me
DuraSpace is planning to launch a new incubation program for the benefit of open source projects that wish to become part of our organization, in the interest of helping them to become sustainable, community-driven projects and supporting them afterwards with umbrella services that help them to thrive. From time to time DuraSpace becomes aware of open source software projects in the preservation, archiving, or repository space that are in search of a community “home”. The motivation might be that the project is simply trying to attract more developers, that it would like to develop a more robust community of users and service providers, that its current organizational sponsorship is in question, or that it would like to take advantage of an existing and compatible organization's best practices and administrative infrastructure rather than create a new one of its own. DuraSpace is now prepared to leverage its resources, experience, and reputation in the community to help these projects become, or continue to be, successful. Projects emerging from incubation will become officially recognized as DuraSpace projects. This briefing presents highlights of the DuraSpace Incubator and invites questions and feedback from participants.
== In-browser data storage and me ==
* Jason Casden, North Carolina State University Libraries,
When it comes to storing data in web browsers on a semi-persistent basis, there are several partially-adopted, semi-deprecated, product-specific, or even universally accepted options. These include models such as key-value stores, relational databases, and object stores. I will present some of these options and discuss possible applications of these technologies in library services. In addition to quoting heavily from Mark Pilgrim's excellent chapter on this topic, I will weave in my own experience utilizing in-browser data storage in an iPad-based data collection tool to successfully improve performance and data stability while reducing network dependence. See also: HTML5.
[[Category: Code4Lib2012]]