Welcome to Code4Lib Great Eastern, the chapter for the Atlantic Provinces! We're trying to create opportunities and connections for the Atlantic Provinces and neighbouring areas.
[hide]Our First Meet Up
We hope you'll join us for our first Code4Lib Great Eastern meet up!
When and Where
May 26 & 27, 2012
Killam Memorial Library, Dalhousie University, Halifax NS Map
contact: Krista Godfrey
Dalhousie University offers single & twin rooms ($47 & $74). Both Howe Hall and Risley Hall are centrally located on campus, close to the Library. Campus Map
Marigold Bed & Breakfast. Located at 6318 Norwood St. Rooms start from $75.
The Garden South Park Inn. Located at 1263 South Park Street. Rooms start from $99.
Atlantica Hotel. Located at 1980 Robie Street. Rooms start from $110.
The Lord Nelson Hotel. Located at 15 South Park Street. Rooms start from $169.
As our meet up follows the annual APLA conference, we'll be switching things around our first time. Presentations will be on Saturday with the Hackfest following on Sunday. More details about the day and location to come.
We're aiming for no cost to attend - stayed tuned.
We're aiming for around 30 people for our first meet up. To sign up for the event, go to
Presentations will be 20 minutes. Have a presentation? Please share your topic below or contact Krista. Have a lightening talk (5 min. talk, max of 4 for the day), please share it here and note it as a lightening talk.
Presentation Topics:
- CodeYear: what's the deal? (Lightening talk) - Krista Godfrey, MUN
- Chat Software: IM VS SMS - Crystal Rose, MUN. We use Meebo for our "Ask Us" chat service, but we're currently evaluating other products. I'd love to hear about your library's experience with chat. What are you using? Love it, hate it, or meh?
- Bridging Another Digital Divide: 3D Printing and Scanning in Libraries - Riel Gallant and Michael Groenendyk, DAL
- Web Development from a distance: How to work with a Web Team that isn't at your fingertips(?) - Gillian Byrne, CAUL.
Share your Hackfest ideas here!
Let us know! Post your name here so we can get an idea of general interest in this group.
Krista Godfrey, Memorial University of Newfoundland