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Revision as of 19:15, 16 December 2009 by (Talk) (Charlotte Douglas International Airport)

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Rideshare Info

Several people have made vague but curious noises about trying to share transportation to and from Asheville. This page will attempt to organize the details relevant to help attendees make appropriate travel/transportation plans.

Each table below represents a group of attendees with relatively common transportation needs. Feel free to combine/split/add tables to suit different needs. The columns should be self-explanatory, with Driving? indicating that you're willing/able to share the driving (even if it's someone else's car/rental), and Van? indicating whether you would be interested in taking one of the App. State vans (if it were to make a couple runs to the airport).

Charlotte Douglas International Airport

Name Arriving Departing Renting Car? Share rental cost? Gas? Driving? Van?
Michael Klein 2009-02-21 (Sunday; late afternoon/evening) 2009-02-26 (Friday) No Yes Yes Yes Yes - Dave Hansen 2009-02-19 or 20 (in time for pre-conference) 2009-02-23? No Yes Yes No No -

Asheville/Arden Regional Airport

Name Arriving Departing Renting Car? Share rental cost? Gas? Driving? Van?

Northeast (VA/DC/MD/DE/PA/NJ/NY/New England)

Name Traveling From Plan to Arrive Plan to Depart Car? Share rental cost? Gas? Driving?
Ray Schwartz New York City Metro Area Before Preconferences To get to prefconfs in time N/A Yes Yes Yes