Code4Lib2019 Lightning Talks

Revision as of 18:38, 21 February 2019 by Tallgood (Talk | contribs)

Revision as of 18:38, 21 February 2019 by Tallgood (Talk | contribs)

Day 1 - February 20, 2019

  1. Islandora for All: ISLE - community engagement and lowering barriers [github]
  2. Does your catalog spark joy? - Sean Aery
  3. Implementing a redesign from user feedback - Nikitas Tampakis
  4. What a baby taught me about affordances - Dre
  5. Wait, what? Getting your bearings with server spec - Hardy
  6. EaaSI project update: Call for community feedback on software prioritization - Ethan Gates
  7. RATOM (Review, Appraisal and Triage of Emails)- Cal Lee
  8. Cataloging Interface for Linked Data - Jeremy Nelson + Naomi D.
  9. SCOPE: a born digital access interface [github]
  10. Whither CSV's? - Mark Matienzo

Day 2 - February 21, 2019

  1. Roots of Code4Lib - Karen Coombs (participant of every conference), Ryan Wick (participant of every conference), and Roy Tennant (participant at first conference and many thereafter)
  2. The Patron Data Firehose - Lacy
  3. Preserve this Podcast - Sarah N
  4. The Real World of Technology - Ashley Blewer
  5. Hyku - Samvera in a Box
  6. Profiles Core - Karen Coyle

Day 3 - February 23, 2019