2020 Hosting Proposals
[hide]Code4Lib 2019 Breakout Session
The 2020 Host Voting Committee, along with members of the 2019 Local Planning Committee, will host an informational breakout session on host proposals during the 2019 conference in San José. Attendance isn't required for those submitting host proposals but we can help work on your proposal, provide feedback, and answer questions about the process and our experience from this year.
Code4Lib 2020 Hosting Guidelines
Schedule (First round)
- Proposal period opens: February 18th
- Proposal period ends: March 15th
- Voting opens: March 18th
- Voting closes: March 25th
2020 Host Voting Committee
- Eric Phetteplace
- Roy Tennant
- Lilly Ho
- Your name here! We're still accepting volunteers. No prior experience necessary.
See previous host proposals for examples:
- 2019 Hosting Proposals
- 2018 Hosting Proposals
- 2016 Hosting Proposal
- 2015 Hosting Proposal
- 2014 Hosting Proposal
- 2013 Hosting Proposal
- 2012 Hosting Proposal
Please list your proposal below.
Code4Lib 2020 Location Proposals Proposed Template
Welcome to ...!
Place details such as notable landmarks, activities, transit information.
The Conference
Venue needs: first half of 2020 conference that can accommodate roughly 400(~450) attendees and meet Code4Lib's technical requirements.
The Cost
Approximate costs to attendees such as venue, lodging, and travel.
Sponsoring Organizations
CLIR/DLF will be the fiscal host regardless of location but we welcome institutional support for the conference.
Organizational Committee
Who are you!