From Code4Lib
Revision as of 02:51, 30 December 2007 by JodiS (Talk | contribs) (A reproduction of of content from the trac wiki, http://web.archive.org/web/20070315052309/http://code4lib.org/trac backed up as of 2007-03-15 by archive.org].)
A reproduction of content from the trac wiki, backed up as of 2007-03-15 by archive.org. Please add a more recent backup if you have one.
Welcome to Trac@Code4Lib
* what is 20070315wiki:code4lib? * Where did that oldwiki go? * How can I get 20070315wikiwiki:subversion access? * How can I 20070315wikiwiki:edit this wiki? * This site runs on a collaboratively maintained machine called 20070315wikiwiki:anvil * 20070315wikiwiki:LocalProjects Projects Hosted Here * 20070315wikiwiki:OSSDir Open Source Software Directory * 20070315wikiwiki:c4l2007 Code4Lib 2007 - Athens, Georgia * 20070315wikiwiki:c4l2008 Code4Lib 2008 - Portland, Oregon (planning)