Citation Format Recommendations

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Revision as of 13:21, 25 May 2010 by (Talk)

Recommended Reference Style Information:

Tim McGeary proposes that the Editorial Committee chose a recommended style for all authors. Authors that do not choose recommended style need to follow another documented style and communicate that to their assigned editor. Using a documented style will provide a clear editorial guidelines for consistency, and ensure proper citations and references of literature and resources.

APA Style Example (Purdue)

MLA Style Example (Cornell)

CSE Style Example (Ohio State)

jrochkind's proposal: Citations should be clear and unambiguous, and reasonably consistent within an article. Authors are welcome but not required to use a formal style. Editors will ensure readability, clarity, and reasonable consistency of citations, but will not check citations for compliance with stylebooks.

Voting on Recommended Style:

Name Recommend Style? (Y/N) Which Style? (Vote even if N)
Tim McGeary Y CSE
J Rochkind N
Carol Bean Y CSE
Staurt Yeates N RFC
Your Name Vote Style