HAMR: Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation
From Code4Lib
HAMR: Human/Authority Metadata Reconciliation
Sean Chen, Tim Donohue, Joshua Gomez, Ranti Junus, Ryan Scherle
A tool for a curator to determine whether the various fields of a metadata record are correct. Takes a metadata record, locates any identifiers (e.g., DOI, PMID). Retrieves a copy of the metadata record from an authoritative source (e.g., CrossRef, PubMed). Displays a human-readable page that compares fields in the initial record with fields in the authoritative record. Each field is color-coded based on how well it matches, so the curator can quickly identify discrepancies.
Narrowing the focus for today:
- Dublin core (maybe qualified)
- framework that allows multiple authority sources
- NOT focusing on author names (ORCID is already working on this), except the fact that they are strings, and we'll do basic string matching
Possible authority sources:
- PubMed
- Sample pubmed query (in Java): DSpace PubMedPrefillStep.java (From Populate Metadata from PubMed)
- See 'retrievePubmedXML()' in above java code for actual call to PubMed
- Mapping happens here: See pmid-to-dim.xsl for a sample XSLT crosswalk to translate PubMed format to a qualified dublin core (internal DSpace metadata format)
- More examples of querying PubMed: http://www.my-whiteboard.com/how-to-automate-pubmed-search-using-perl-php-or-java/
- Sample pubmed query (in Java): DSpace PubMedPrefillStep.java (From Populate Metadata from PubMed)
- CrossRef
- simply send the DOI to crossref, and get JSON/XML back
- Metadata Search -- send a text query, receive a list of matching records
- OpenURL search
- google scholar - does it have an API?
- mendeley - Mendeley API
- vivo
- bibapp
Thoughts / Questions:
- Is there a way to do most/all of this via Javascript/AJAX/JQuery? Could it be a simple Javascript framework you could "drop" into any metadata editing interface?
Need to do
- Create basic code framework
- Implement metadata retrieval from authority
- Design matching algorithm