
2013 social activities

146 bytes added, 15:17, 12 February 2013
Game Night!
* I highly recommend that people walk in groups to get back to their respective lodgings. I'll ask folks still around at the end to help me clean up so we can walk back to the conference hotel*
Please bring your badge with. (You don't need to wear it on the way, but that'll help us make sure everyone in the room is supposed to be there.)
We have a conference room at the UIC library (Richard J. Daley Library MC 234, 801 S. Morgan, Chicago) reserved for 7:30 on Tuesday the 11th. I'll try to show up at the lobby and hang out there for at about 7:15. I'll be the guy with a code4lib nametag and a box of games ;). Not sure how late we'll play, it looks like the library is open till 1:00am, but I suspect I will for now put a rough ending time of 11pm.