*[http://stackexchange.com/ StackExchange] (by extension, StackOverflow and [http://libraries.stackexchange.com/ the Libraries StackExchange] site).
*[http://css-tricks.com CSS Tricks ]
=====Meetups and User Groups=====
* Perl Mongers http://www.pm.org/groups/
* Python Local User Groups http://wiki.python.org/moin/LocalUserGroups
* R Users Group Meetups http://r-users-group.meetup.com/
* Drupal Groups http://groups.drupal.org/
* Ruby User Groups http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/community/user-groups/
* Haskell User Groups http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/User_groups
* ColdFusion Meetups http://coldfusion.meetup.com/
*Resources for lots of languages: [http://pear.ly/8ohL pear.ly/8ohL]
* [http://catcode.pbworks.com/w/page/49680175/Resources Catcode]
* FOSS4lib http://foss4lib.org/
* I can already feel the collective rolling of eyes for this, but what about Twitter? It's not a guide or manual, but start following and engaging talented developers and library geeks on Twitter and you'll soon have more help than you know what to do with. Plus, no Zoia ;)