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Code4Lib Journal WordPress Customizations

541 bytes added, 14:26, 18 August 2021
Plugins: edits to represent a few changes to plugins
===Anti-Spam/ Security===;[ AkimsetAkismet]:Filters out spamBaseline anti-link comments based on their contentspam.;[https://githubwordpress.comorg/blaenkplugins/wpantispam-recaptcha WP-reCAPTCHAbee/ Antispam Bee] :After a number of experiments with anti- disabled spam plugins, using this to augment Akismet seems to do a pretty good job.;[ there were accessibility issuesscanner/ Sucuri Security Plugin]:Requires users to copy Scans for issues and sends updates when changes are made. This may be a distorted word before they can commentbit overkill at times, but it also provides early detection of hacks.;[ Really Simple SSL]:We have an SSL certificate through ibiblio. This plugin makes sure Wordpress uses HTTPS appropriately.
:In the non-WYSIWYG editor, can be used to build a basic COinS tag. (P. Binkley)
:This was abandoned in favor of the generator at However, the generator has now gone south and no longer seems to be supported.
;[Google XML Sitemaps]
:Generates search-engine friendly sitemaps.
;C4LJ Remove Parents
:A customization of Prettifies category URLs so that issues appear at <code></code> instead of <code></code>. (J. Brinley)
;[ FeedBurner FeedSmith]
:Redirects the main feed and the general comments feed to FeedBurner
;[ Classic Editor]
:Restores option for classic editor functionality for anyone who finds it more usable than the new mobile-focused editor.
;[ Issue Manager]
:Enables one-click publishing of new issues, and prevents articles from being published until their associated issue is published. (J. Brinley)

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