

11 bytes added, 20:18, 25 February 2019
Past Meetings
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== Regional Communications ==
Code4Lib NE has a low-traffic mailing list/Google group. Please [!forum/code4lib-ne consider subscribing] to keep up to date.
There's also a Slack channel that has been used for organizing recent events. All are welcome to join - go to and request to be invited.
== Upcoming conference ==
Thanks to everyone who filled out the survey about planning a NEC4L in 2015. It looks like April 2015 is the preferred month with the option of also having it in March. Also over half who responded would like to have the NEC4L in the Boston area with Western Mass coming in a far second. Those who indicated that they could sponsor will be contacted soon after the holidays. Once we have some information, we'll post it here. So stay tuned![[NECode4lib Spring 2019]]
== Past Meetings ==
[[NECode4lib 2016]]
[[NECode4lib 2015 Fall]]
[[NECode4lib 2015 Home]]
[[NECode4lib 2012 Home]]