
Southeast 2018 Schedule

29 bytes added, 18:32, 1 August 2018
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| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| 0:10:00
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Lightning Talk
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| [ Achieving Essential Digital Preservation ] | [ Video link]
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Todd Stoffer, NCSU Libraries
| style="border:0.0104in solid #cccccc;padding:0in;"| Over the past year we have developed an application that is focused on providing the basic DAMS functions of file tracking, checksum polling and reporting features that notify users of corrupt assets in a lightweight Ruby on Rails application. We were able an early functional deployment of a production solution, while leaving open the possibilities of future enhancements. This talk will focus on our digital preservation strategy and provide a technical overview of the application.